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Author Topic: Compression Methodes  (Read 1464 times)

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Compression Methodes
« on: April 01, 2011, 04:09:34 PM »

For a Project that I am making Ill need a method to Compress a array of numbers
between 0 to 256
Im currently using a old method of my which can be found in the old archives

But I was wondering If they're are better ways to Compress these Numbers
or you could Come up with better ones

my method has a Compression Ratio of about 8% (so if you start with 100, in the end you have 92% left (Not the Text length but the FileSize))
and the strange thing is it actually enlarges it to ± 263% and then back to 92%

but most of the compression is wasted on taking down that 263%

So Challange:
come up with a method of Compressing these Numbers (from 0 to 256)
and I dont care if it is something calculus or programmed as long it will work
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