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Author Topic: Making a website, who wants to help?  (Read 3055 times)

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Offline Zesh

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Re: Making a website, who wants to help?
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2012, 11:17:52 PM »
Thanks  alot guys. Skidiot.h, how do those programs compare to google drive? That was the first file sharing/editing software I had found. Thanks for the link I will look into each one of them.
Zesh, great idea on how we should lay out the project.
Would you guys be willing to start producing it immediately? Should we get our own irc channel first for more instant communication?(This would be my first cross-computer project, I'm a little ignorant of how to run everything so I apologize) I really appreciate your guys' help. :D

I'm up for starting straight away :D

Offline lifecabal

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Re: Making a website, who wants to help?
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2012, 07:20:41 AM »
Build site from scratch take time, And even you don't have to pay designer or web developer you will have to pay for the server(If you don't own one). I saw you mention about agreement on stealing idea. I  think that if people saw very interesting idea they will probably steal it. There are hardly trust and royalty on the internet.
The most difficult thing human will ever face is the decision. Not because we don't know what that decision will bring. It is the responsible that we have to take for the result of that decision we make.

Offline Uriah

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Re: Making a website, who wants to help?
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2012, 07:58:54 PM »
Build site from scratch take time, And even you don't have to pay designer or web developer you will have to pay for the server(If you don't own one). I saw you mention about agreement on stealing idea. I  think that if people saw very interesting idea they will probably steal it. There are hardly trust and royalty on the internet.
Yeah, i know it takes time, but that's not really a problem for me. A website from scratch is, in my opinion, much more powerful and useful than one from a template. There are cheap options for web hosting, but even in general it's not to expensive.
As for stealing data n other people's projects, it is up for the project poster to reveal how much information he wants to at the start. Hopefully, because of the community side of the site, people will be able to build pretty good friendships, and trust. Or at least choose who to trust and pm about their project. Also, the op would be the one with the team, so the stealer would have a hard time making an equal project. This in combination with the credibility ranking system, and the fact that there will be an elite ranking(like vip) to show that you have proven yourself trustworthy, i think that everything will be fine. We will also provide any other means neccesary to prevent stealing of information.(EZ doesn't even have these regulations, but I'm still working with Zesh.)
Thanks for your post though, you made some very good points, and a lot of criticism is always great. Actually, reading your post made me think of a few other ways to prevent idea theft :D


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