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Author Topic: OPSEC for hackers  (Read 3461 times)

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Offline EmilKXZ

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OPSEC for hackers
« on: September 26, 2012, 12:03:51 PM »
I don't know why no one has posted this yet. Anyways, here's my contribution.
Everyday do read and understand this. It covers many topics, many pitfalls you could avoid easily. It covers the introduction of PORTAL (Personal Onion Router To Avoid LEO*), where you can transparently protect your connection, through a VPN and/or TOR. You know, TOR can be crap but, there's another alternative?

Now, these are like 154 slides, but I'm sure you'll go through these very fast, most of these have small bits of information.

As a final note, protect yourself, and don't be stupid!  ;D Cheers!

* Law Enforcement Officers


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