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Author Topic: Advantages of ASP.NET over PHP  (Read 4112 times)

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Advantages of ASP.NET over PHP
« on: October 05, 2012, 04:43:02 PM »
I'm planning on working for my brothers web programming company a bit once I've finished college and he told me to start learning C#. I already know PHP so I should have a good head start. I don't like the fact that Microsoft made it (I'm a hardcore linux user and open source fanatic) but so far, I like what I'm learning. I see that ASP.NET can use multiple different programming languages, the main ones being C# and VB.NET. There are many new concepts I'm coming across here (such as the way C# web applications are compiled, the concept of codebehind pages that separate the C# from the HTML and the way ASP.NET is all event driven as opposed to a script which runs from start to finish like in PHP.

Does ASP.NET have many advantages over PHP? Are there any advantages PHP has over ASP.NET? Will it supercede PHP? Can I use my knowledge of PHP in conjunction with C# or will I just end up switching over to ASP.NET?

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Re: Advantages of ASP.NET over PHP
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 05:44:11 PM »
when i started web scripting i started with asp not just asp
i liked it a lot it was all new to me and i was amazed how programming works
asp is the reason i started programming for real i did my first community it asp
and had a lot of fun, the years passed and i did some other languages (not web scripting)
I then got a gig to write a cms in php they insisted php because as they sad it-it had become a rising star, i had totally neglected it  so i started with php and i haven't even looked back at asp since then.

I am really bad in comparing languages because in my opinion they all are good on there own ways I would say that asp is a bit stronger but a bit harder to. but in the end it all comes down to what your comfortable with


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