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Author Topic: The Rules  (Read 11813 times)

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Offline ande

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The Rules
« on: September 17, 2011, 05:14:39 PM »
This topic is going to be about the rules that make the life of every member on this website easier.
Just as any social organization has rules and laws that regulate the group's activities so must Evilzone to enable it's users to get the most out of it.

1) Be reasonable with profanity, make sure it's only sent to where it's justifiably due and/or in a humorous context, be civil.
2) No spam (does not need definition), one word posts or topics of 0 value.
3) Give due respect to the administration and moderators who keep this community up and running, this not some sort of interwebs-aristocracy, it's just acknowledging the fact that Evilzone does not have ads,is not financed by donations, it has monthly expenses which the administration pays out of its own pocket and countless hours have been spent on developing, promoting, improving the site so all you have to do on your end is sit back and enjoy!
4) Keep trolling to the sections that allow it.
5) Try and use proper grammar and syntax if possible, nobody enjoys seeing posts like "YO, WAD UP DAWG!" - PS: We are not grammar Nazis.
6) Be careful about the handling and posting of personal member information, if uncertain, contact an admin or mod.

As you can see,the rules are pretty vague and are open to interpretation by the admins and moderators, this is because no rule can possibly predict and regulate all possible actions and outcomes. We are not rule maniacs or control freaks, bans will only be applied where it is considered necessary for the best interests of the community.
That's about it!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 04:25:07 PM by ande »
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