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Author Topic: [C/Python-API] Import Modules  (Read 1408 times)

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[C/Python-API] Import Modules
« on: June 03, 2012, 10:44:47 AM »

I'm useing the C/Python-API in one of my programs,but I've problems importing modules:
I can compile the code successfully,but when I try to run it,it says
Code: [Select]
ImportError: No module named foobar
So I put it into the directory of my python modules,and it imported everything.
So it seems that the program does import the modules at runtime,but I want them to be imported when compiling,so I have no additional files...

Has anyone an idea how that could be done,except checking what modules are imported,and then adding their source code to the program?

Add. Info:
The script runs with "PyRun_SimpleString".
I tried importing the modules with "PyImport_ImportModule" and writing "import foobar" in the script wich's executed with "PyRun_SimpleString"
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