Some of you may know about Androids IOIO board. For those of you who don't, the IOIO board is kinda like an Arduino, but more like a peripheral add-on for Android. It can work as a master or slave usb device. You have access to IO pins and the possibility's are endless.
The new iteration of the board is going to be coming out soon, with a hopeful price drop. This adds the power of your Android device to any microcontroller project you can think of. Need an accelerometer to help out your balancing bot? No problem. Need GPS data to help your drone? Android has it. Need a way to log activity in a database? Android has that covered too. You could build a bot that can sense its surroundings, positioning, long distance communication, image/video capture, voice commands, etc... With only two devices (minus locomotion/other needed circuitry).
For more information,
check this out.