Some hardware hackers here might know really well, and if you don't SparkFun is all about open hardware and they sell quite the selection of solidstate goodies.
As with any hacking, there can be a dark side. Someone bought some parts from sparkfun and used it for a credit card skimmer. These parts where traced back to sparkfun's inventory. The government demanded sparkfun to release customer information for a six month period, and sparkfun refused because they care about ALL customers privacy. It's not sparkfun's fault that someone used their parts....
Anyway, due to sparkfuns refusing to release that much information, the where ordered to court, where discussion on this issue will pursue. Sparkfun will most likely release information on customers that bought the specific parts, in that specific region. Sparkfun is also informing the community of any and all discussions, agreements, issues, any and all information they receive on this subject. We will stay in the loop.
Link.Definition of Skimming Via Wiki.Possible used items for the skimming.