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Author Topic: TomTom + ttMaps + Google maps = Win?  (Read 3738 times)

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TomTom + ttMaps + Google maps = Win?
« on: June 18, 2011, 09:02:58 PM »
Yeah this might seem strange but after some googling I found out that you can use other maps with TomTom than the default and damn expensive TomTom maps. Sure there always are maps on torrent sites but it bugs me to always do all that cracking/generating/converting whatnot.
Anyway, the software is called ttMaps:
Installation seem pretty simple:
So I guess you get a dual-boot? - I have TomTom One XL and it doesn't seem like it supports dual-boot.

If anyone used this, please share the experience and how-to's :P

Next question: Can you use "Mobile Atlas Creator" to cache maps compatible with ttMaps? can't find info regarding that. I found another app that does this thing:


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