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Author Topic: Email and Username Tips for Maintaining Search Anonymity  (Read 5361 times)

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Email and Username Tips for Maintaining Search Anonymity
« on: May 31, 2011, 06:22:44 PM »
Email and Username Tips for Maintaining Search Anonymity(Sorry that's a mouthful)

Disclaimer: This Tutorial will not help you maintain technical anonymity, people can still track you through IP and other methods. This tutorial is for maintaining anonymity from people dropping dox on you or tracking you via search engines.

By Tsar @ Evilzone
Remake/Updated Version of an old Tutorial

Now a days it is easy for anyone, given a few slivers of information, acquire a multitude of information on their victim's online presence and personal life. What this means is that with some simple googling you can easily find out a LOT about a person. I'm going to teach you a simple method for maintaining anonymity from these types of attacks. Remember the biggest footprint most people leave is the human one.

So how can you make sure that a person cannot do a quick google of your username or email and find out everything about you? It is simple, by maintaining a multitude of online personas based on the amount of anonymity you want to retain. You want to keep your presence on the internet separated as much as possible. The easiest thing to track is an email, especially if it is used for registering at every website a person frequents.

What I highly suggest you do is maintain a few emails for various purposes as described below:

1. Public Email
This email you use for anything where you don't care about having anonymity, for example, Facebook, where your using your full name and real info, or really anything where you have to enter in or are known by your real name, address, or any other sensitive info (amazon/ebay/college/jobs,etc).

2. Semi-Public Email
This is the email you use to maintain a slight cover of anonymity. If you are part of a community where you don't want to maintain full anonymity, for example a WoW guild that you have been in for years or something like that, maybe you have posted a few pics on a "post your mug thread", etc. You are not trying to be fully anonymous, but you are not sending everyone your home address either. RL friends may know you as this username as well as online people. Just don't give out your full name or exact address, facebook, etc to websites or people you don't trust.

3. Anonymous Email
This is the email you use for remaining anonymous, you don't post or connect any personal or semipersonal info they could lead you to yourself in real life. Perhaps you want to sign up and be an active part of a website that you don't want connected to yourself through a search, such as hacking or porn or something, then you use this email. Also I suggest not registering on too many websites with this one email, it increases your chances of being caught or linked with other websites on the net. You may want to make multiple of these depending on how many websites you wish to be anonymous on. Leave NO personal info about who you are when doing this.

4. Junk/Quick Sign-Up Email
This is a junk email that you use for quick registering of websites that require registration but really shouldn't. This way you don't get a bunch of spam or random websites linked back to you that you may of only signed up for just to view something private quickly.

Master Email
This is the most important email, you will set all the other email addresses to forward everything sent to them to this one. You may chose not to link the junk/quick-sign up email to you, and maybe not the anonymous ones either depending on what you are doing with them. Once you do this you will only have to log into your master email to check the email's of all your email accounts at once. You do not release or use this email to sign up anywhere or give it out to people. This is advantageous because If one of your email password is hacked they will not have control of the master account (because you haven't used it to sign up anywhere) so it will be easy to regain control of the account. In addition it allows you to manage all your accounts and personas at once.

Now when you sign up for something use different usernames based on which email you are using to sign up. Here are some example usernames:

For example for someone named 'John Smith', who uses the username 'Dark666':

1. Personal Email - / JSmith
2. Semi-Personal Email - / Dark666
3. Anonymous Email - / TheHacker
4. Don't-Care Email - / dontcare1342

There you go you are all set, the more personas and security levels you create the harder it will be to track you on the internet. Even if the find your semi-personal email/accounts they most likely won't be able to find your full name, address, or facebook. With your anonymous persona they most likely wont be able to find anything besides maybe other sites you may have registered with that persona.

1. ALWAYS check "Hide Email" when registering for websites
2. Pick a very common name especially for your anonymous personas. Try searching for "Odin" on google, you will get MILLIONS of results. However if I search say "Odin914" I only get about 60 results.
3. NEVER use the master email to sign up for anything.
4. Release personal information accordingly to the security levels mapped out above, remember one leak in personal information and someone could possibly link two online personas together and are one step closer to finding more about you.
5. Choose your passwords wisely, you can most likely make all your sub-email's passwords very strong, considering you won't be needing to log into them again once they are set up under the master.
6. ALWAYS get privacy protection when registering for domain names (THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT!), even if it costs a little extra.
7. Sometimes it is good to leave false information to lead them even further from yourself. However if you do a bad job or if you are inconsistent within security levels it will be obvious.

That is all, good luck. If you followed this tutorial and follow the rules listed then it will be very hard for someone to track you via search engine or drop your dox. Most people are easy to track because they use at most 1 or 2 usernames and the same email for everything.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 06:37:16 PM by Tsar »

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Re: Email and Username Tips for Maintaining Search Anonymity
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2011, 12:05:42 AM »
I always Try to Find myself using A.I.S., I also test it with those search objects
myself as in my real identity and my Internet Identity (Huntondoom)

What I do is I have to sets of Email
one for My Internet Identity
one for My Real Indentity,
I Try to never let them be connected

If anyone wants to do the same I suggest you enter the following in AIS

- Your Internet Name + Email address which contain your internet name
- Your Real Name + Email addres which Contain your realname
- Other Info that may link you with yourself

Still Good Tut :P
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Re: Email and Username Tips for Maintaining Search Anonymity
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 10:43:03 AM »
hey thanks for the tip now i know why people are hard to find
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Re: Email and Username Tips for Maintaining Search Anonymity
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2012, 08:25:12 PM »
I use hanorotu for everything. But that is because I don't mind not being anon. If anything I want people to know about me. Not saying I post my address on the interwebs but I think it's cool that people want to find out about me. For music shit and shit and so forth and so on etc.

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Re: Email and Username Tips for Maintaining Search Anonymity
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2012, 02:29:38 AM »
Pick a very common name especially for your anonymous personas. Try searching for "Odin" on google, you will get MILLIONS of results. However if I search say "Odin914" I only get about 60 results.
This one is great. It makes finding users frigging impossible. I'm guilty of an easy to search username but I'm the watch for a new one.

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Re: Email and Username Tips for Maintaining Search Anonymity
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2012, 03:07:11 AM »
lol, try searching "wolf",


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