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Author Topic: Rooting Wildfire with 2.2.1 is now possible  (Read 4376 times)

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Offline Kulverstukas

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Rooting Wildfire with 2.2.1 is now possible
« on: January 21, 2012, 05:19:06 PM »
Howdy. In this here article I'll explain a little bit how I rooted my HTC Wildfire with android version 2.2.1.
As some may know, it kinda was impossible to root that android version on that device, but I waited patiently and really forgot about it, so now I remembered and started googling. Short after I found this tutorial and decided to give it a try. While I was doing it, I ran into few minor problems but I solved them eventually, and this is why I am writing now.

I can say that it really worked for me, I now have S-OFF and root, but be aware of the notes and warnings, because some things may fuck up, even tho it didn't for me.

First things first. In the tutorial that I gave link to, first step was bothering me.
When you enable the "USB Debugging" and connect your Wildfire to the Computer (I used WinXP), it says that it can't recognize the device and ADB doesn't get installed.

I tried searching for information on how to fix it, like installing Android SDK's and whatnot - all failed and Revolutionary couldn't find my phone, until I saw a note on Unrevoked WIKI that said:
Windows users, please download and install these HTC fastboot drivers.
Yeah, holy shit. I installed those drivers and it worked fine!

But before that I did another thing to make the device recognizable. Although this didn't work for "Revolutionary".
For those who can't get the ADB driver installed and device recognized, do this.

Ok so, one problem solved. There was another thing for me...

When the "Revolutionary" program runs fine, you need to enter the Serial number on the website to generate the beta key and type that in. Somehow it just didn't work when I was typing it in by hand - everything was fine but the program didn't accept my key...
So I tried another thing - while you can't right click on the application, you can click on the icon in the upper left corner, select EDIT and MARK. Now mark the code and press ENTER, after that paste it on the website, generate key and again, go to EDIT and this time select PASTE. Everything should be fine now.

And another thing when you will try to root with GingerBreak - when it will be done (exploit might take up to 15 minutes to complete - it took so for me), you might get an error. That is normal and you have to reboot your phone after that.
After reboot if you don't get SuperUser application, try doing it again, but this time when it will be done, open the notification area and tap where it says "it's now safe to remove the SD card" and reboot - it worked for me when I did that.
If it still won't work, try several times more - for me it worked from third time.

Eventually everything should be fine! I am now enjoying the super powers of my phone :D


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Re: Rooting Wildfire with 2.2.1 is now possible
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2012, 02:00:51 PM »
In case someone tries to install a new system font and the thing just dies and won't boot up again, this is the solution:


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