I don't see the reason why most people are recommending the easiest way. Easier is not better. If you really want to learn, doing it the hard way will give you much more insight to the inner workings.
It depends on the personality of the thread starter what is suitable for him. If you want to get fast results without looking at details and have not much patience getting through shit - alright choose an easy language (same, if you already know how the stuff works). If you want to learn and understand why the things are done like they are done and if you have the patience, choose something that challenges you. That is how you really get a good programmer.
That also applies to the decision wether to use drag and drop GUI builders (which are also available for Java btw.), frameworks, extern libraries and so on or doing the stuff on your own.
Edit: That is the reason I never recommend any language for a question like this. There isn't a right one.