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Author Topic: Half-Life 3... and why it wont happen  (Read 1102 times)

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Offline Silver_Solstice

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Half-Life 3... and why it wont happen
« on: January 20, 2016, 07:15:04 AM »
The delusion of half-life 3

Ladies and Gentlemen... Today I'd like to expose the unsettling truth, that no, Half-Life three won't happen, its not, fucking never, you think the cake was a lie? THIS ***** gonna be what it's always been. Social media marketing for a constant stream of confirmed memes, Gabe Newell in hilarious outfits, and simple **** propaganda  funneled to the masses of the world to raise more and more attention to the root of all evil (except a lot of amazing games) VALVE...


Understand this, Expectation kills. Fan bases, believe it or not, can ruin a game/video/book with mere hype. When the bar is raised, so does the expectation. Valve knows this, they've learned, unless some new glamorous physics engine comes out this hype WON'T be satisfied. Why was half life two such hot stuff?

compare this:
To this my friend:

The hype hysteria was met with Valve's new physics engine which made something beautiful.

In conclusion ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry, but also relieved that quite possibly your belief in there being another half-life (at-least within our lifetimes) is slightly more lossened from your gamer mind with amazing taste.

                                                                                                  Respectfully -Silver_Solstice

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Re: Half-Life 3... and why it wont happen
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2016, 12:02:12 PM »
THIS IS BLASPHEMY! I hope you are ashamed of yourself Sir!
The code is strong with this one.

Offline neom

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Re: Half-Life 3... and why it wont happen
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2016, 02:33:38 PM »
You may be right but I "want to believe" that a number 3 is coming.

Played all the saga specially HL2 with the episodes, all of them were awesome.

Offline b00ms1ang

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Re: Half-Life 3... and why it wont happen
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2016, 04:07:33 PM »
Two words: Duke Nukem

You can't hype a game up for so long, it will never meet sales or expectations as it should. Sad we wont ever have a HL3, but it's for the best.

Offline rogue.hackz

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Re: Half-Life 3... and why it wont happen
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2016, 11:47:41 AM »
The OP has a good point that Valve doesn't want to disappoint with Half Life 3 but completely taking it out of the equation is stupidity. If I were to dream with an open mind, I'd say that if VR technology really takes off then gaming in VR will be a comepletely different level of experience and we might expect to see HL3. May be a year from now, may be a few years or a decade it'll definitely make a comeback that I can hope for. If not half life 3 atleast something better to replace it in some form or another.

Well you see the market is always open. Blizzard created Warcraft 3, which is an excellent game. Then came couple of modders who created a custom map of Warcraft3 called Dota and it became really hyped and popular. It became so popular that some people ran warcraft3 just to play dota.

Blizzard missed the opportunity to grab the market share with dota as they didnt bother in expanding a mod for their own game and turning it into a fully fledged game. Where as Valve being the smart asses they are understood the potential and created dota 2. And now look at Dota 2, it's one of the top revenue earning game Valve has ever created.

So who cares if Half life 3 doesn't come out? In the end it doesn't really matter as there will always be something to take its place.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 11:57:57 AM by rogue.hackz »
"The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing" -Socrates


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