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Author Topic: "Enemy front" mini-review  (Read 311 times)

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"Enemy front" mini-review
« on: January 25, 2016, 05:11:47 PM »

Robert Hawkins is an American war correspondent who is caught up with various Resistance groups across Europe during the Second World War. Along the way he finds help in the form of a Norwegian Commando, a German SOE agent and a femme fatale French Resistance fighter, also his Polish allies. The game is played through his flashbacks and will include real historical events, some of it highlighting Nazi atrocities committed in Europe. It also visits theatres of war, such as Poland and Norway, which have remained largely untouched by mainstream western media and especially other World War II first-person shooters.

My input:

Images and trailer might seem awesome, but the game on x360 was lame - the checkpoints are rare, if you die you have to repeat several tasks again. Controls are not sensitive and fast enough - you can control the turning sensitivity but the character is still moving slow, that becomes a problem when you need to run for cover. Sometimes the gameplay glitches and the character doesn't sprint for some reason. On a PC with keyboard and mouse this game could be great, but not on a joystick as it feels like it wasn't tuned for a joystick :/


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