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Author Topic: [DUCKY] DeepCopy Ducky Stealer v1.0  (Read 2948 times)

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Re: [DUCKY] DeepCopy Ducky Stealer v1.0
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2015, 10:04:49 PM »
Convenience vs Functionality, I'd hardly say the bare betal teensy is a "better deal" to someone who ONLY wants the capabilities of the Ducky, the ducky comes in a nicer case and has a whole scripting language built around the endgoal, emulating an HID. However if you want to use the teensy and have the know how to program it then fashion a case for it (even if that IS easy as fuck) then yeah get the teensy, it's jsut a matter of what your time is worth and what features you want.
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Offline iTpHo3NiX

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Re: [DUCKY] DeepCopy Ducky Stealer v1.0
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2015, 05:14:49 AM »
Convenience vs Functionality, I'd hardly say the bare betal teensy is a "better deal" to someone who ONLY wants the capabilities of the Ducky, the ducky comes in a nicer case and has a whole scripting language built around the endgoal, emulating an HID. However if you want to use the teensy and have the know how to program it then fashion a case for it (even if that IS easy as fuck) then yeah get the teensy, it's jsut a matter of what your time is worth and what features you want.

Very true. Great valid points. All I wanted was the ducky specifically for emulating HID and that's what it does. I pull it out and it doesn't look weird, just like a usb.
[09:27] (+lenoch) iTpHo3NiX can even manipulate me to suck dick
[09:27] (+lenoch) oh no that's voluntary
[09:27] (+lenoch) sorry


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