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Author Topic: [Xposed] [2.3.6] Resflux  (Read 1452 times)

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[Xposed] [2.3.6] Resflux
« on: May 04, 2015, 05:52:46 PM »
Got root? Xposed? Well you can theme all of your apps using this tiny module, resflux.
Xposed repo:

No need of decompiling your apps for theming. Do it from your phone itself without any trouble.
It is like resource hacker for android.

When you open the app, in the laboratory you choose an app you want to mod and wait till it maps the resources (which will happen only for the first time for wach app). After that is done, select what you want to edit.
You can replace the icon, name or any other strings, etc. You can choose any of these:
"Drawable", "String", "Color", "Boolean" and "Integer"
And you will be shown the corresponding resources. Edit your stuff. And just reboot. You can also bring back the changes to default on long pressing the resource.
You can even export the themed app and share the apk to other phones.



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