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Author Topic: [OpenBSD 5.7] xfce4 adding print screen button functionality using scrot  (Read 650 times)

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Offline v32itas

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Another one guide for noobs like myself. Adding print screen
button functionality to xfce4 using scrot. I used it only on
OpenBSD, but I think it would work on any *nix xfce4.

Install scrot with pkg_add
pkg_add scrot

make sure to create Pictures (or anything you want) directory in your
/home/username/ directory before using

now to take screen shot with scrot use command

scrot '%Y%m%d%H%M%S_$wx$h_scrot.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Pictures/'
%Y - for year
%m - for moth
%d - for day
%H - for hour
%M - for minute
%S - for second
%w - for width
%h - for height

Now to add this command using xfce gui I have made several screenshots for you.

Now when you copy paste that scrot command press ok, and then press print screen button. And done

And this is how your screenshots gonna look in ~/Pictures directory

May the force be with you always

« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 08:24:19 PM by v32itas »
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