Lets work through this nice and slow for everyone.
When you first his the while loop j equals 3 and i equals 0.
For each iteration j will decrement and i will increment
The while loop will only continue if the letter in one string coresponds with the letter in another.
So with a table (similar to my first year comp sci course...)
j|i | will run? | letters being compared
------------------| p and p
3 0 | yes } o and o
2 1 | yes | t and t
1 2 | yes | s and s
0 3 | no
YEAH WHOOHOO so i got all the way through the loop without ever having different letts, which a prerequisite for an output...
Oh yeah. You forgot a return true statement, but I was having fun...
Sidenote: please try with racecar racecar and kayak kayak, just for the lulz
removed silly font n stuff,added code tags