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Author Topic: "Infected" mini-review  (Read 339 times)

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Offline Kulverstukas

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"Infected" mini-review
« on: September 22, 2014, 08:22:59 PM »

Infected puts players in the role of a police officer in New York City, 3 weeks before Christmas while the entire city is rapidly being infected with a virus that turns people into ravaging, bloodthirsty zombies. The player's blood contains the cure, which less than 1% of the population possesses. The objective is to destroy the infected while trying to reach someone who can make a cure from the blood.

My input:

It's a corny game, lemme tell you straight. Basic gameplace, corny story, funny dialogs and simple jokes is what this game is about. Every mission is either to save everyone, defend someone or kill everyone, and there are like 30 of them, each are the same as before.
I am playing this during long bus rides, helps the time go by with the mindless shooting - playing it on the hardest level doesn't seem to be hard enough. However it is a great game when you are absolutely bored, but if you are looking for a cool story then pick another game... tho it has plenty of action.


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