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Author Topic:, P.A.C.K, Hashcat and m0rphs password cracking theory.  (Read 454 times)

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After reading m0rphs Assumption-based GPU Hash Cracking Theory, I became interested to check out his theory and have dedicated some of my time and research to applying this theory to my methods of madness.

So with m0rphs Research Theory and my interest with applying this theory to a practical situation i found is a place that contains hashes (mostly MD5).

What provides:

Their database contains 380'369'610 cracked and 48'976'986 uncracked hashes, is not a hacking site and assumes all submitted hashes are for testing purposes only and are obtained in a legal way.
They Have PUBLIC Leaked Lists full of user submitted Hashes (MOSTLY MD5) and Progress Percentages pertaining to how many hashes were cracked.

They also have a Crackers area which is updated every 2 hours according to them. It's pretty interesting, go check it out.

Since "Hashcat" - is an advanced password recovery tool, it's the perfect tool to crack hashes with. With that being said P.A.C.K a Password Analysis and Cracking Kit is a GREAT tool for creating masks from a word-list of almost any kind to use with Hashcat.

PACK (Password Analysis and Cracking Toolkit) is a collection of utilities developed to aid in analysis of password lists in order to enhance password cracking through pattern detection of masks, rules, character-sets and other password characteristics. The toolkit generates valid input files for Hashcat family of password crackers.


RANDOM Disclaimer:
I am not responsible for what you do with this Knowledge.
Enjoy! ;)


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