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Author Topic: Stupid CenturyLink router and port forwarding.  (Read 1005 times)

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Stupid CenturyLink router and port forwarding.
« on: August 16, 2014, 08:39:09 PM »
Ok this is really embarrassing that I have to make a post about it but I feel like I need an extra pair of eyes in case I'm missing something incredibly stupid. I'm just trying to do some port forwarding on my router so that I can SSH into my server when I go on vacation in a day. The way the router does it seems really fucking stupid. I'm using a CenturyLink C1000A, unfortunately.

The settings are a little vague to me so I'll just show you: As you can see the first option is to enter an IP address. That's obviously the LAN IP so I entered my server's LAN IP. We'll call it for now. The next setting being the Starting and Ending port. I'm assuming that's the port on which SSH is running on the server( So I set that to, we will say, 12222. Then I set the protocol to TCP and the remote port and IP information to anything. Then I leave my network and try to ssh by using the username on the SSH server and the WAN IP:
Code: [Select]
user@xx.xx.xx.xx < WAN IP address

So far all it's done is time out on the port. I've double checked, and it definitely works from inside the network. This fucking piece of trash shitstain fucking router fuckface shitlord piece of shit can't even fucking do some simple port forwarding. Why are the options so weird and vague. This is easy as fuck on other routers I don't get it.

EDIT: I also just tried enabling remote management, and as it turns out, this router simply just.... doesn't feel like it. Nothing works. I tried enabling remote management on port 445, then tried the WAN IP and that exact port and it just loads for awhile and then becomes a new tab. It just goes ahead and doesn't do whatever it is that I tell it to do when it comes to opening ports.

EDIT2: On top of all that. I went to scan the port that I am trying to forward from outside the network, and it shows up as filtered. So.... basically.... instead of doing what I told it to do, it literally just.... didn't. It did nothing at all. I disabled the firewall on the router completely, yet, it's still just completely firewalled. Literally just does the exact opposite of what I tell it to do.

EDIT3: I should also mention that my WAN settings are configured to use PPPoE, if I change it to anything else it screws up my network. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. But this pretty much just flat out doesn't work. I enabled remote console management over telnet, and guess fucking what? Port 23 is fucking filtered. Even though I explicitly opened it, and even though I completely disabled the firewall. It is somehow still fucking filtered. Same with my SSH port. Same with the remote HTTP management port. None of them. Nothing fucking works. It just flat out, completely, blatantly doesn't, fucking, work.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 10:10:26 PM by lucid »
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Re: Stupid CenturyLink router and port forwarding.
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2014, 10:15:59 PM »

Lan Port=22 (Port on which the ssh service listens to)
Lan IP=<your ssh server ip>
Remote Port = 0 or none (Since this is on the client's side, the port could be anything in the ephermal range)
Remote Addr = (You would like to connect to your server from anywhere on the Internet)

It should work with these settings as far as i can guess.


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