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Author Topic: how does an app recognize the phone ?  (Read 1103 times)

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how does an app recognize the phone ?
« on: October 07, 2014, 04:16:41 PM »
Hey guys,

I recently used an app to enter a voucher code and then redeem it to get free stuff. But it only allows 1 code/ phone. I was wondering, what do the iOS apps use when identifying a phone/user?

I already signed out from all my apple accounts (mail, cloud, app store), deleted the app, rebooted and tried installing again (using a new account on app store). But it still wouldn't let me enter a new voucher. There was even that icloud icon appearing (instead of that +free icon) for downloading on app store.

I tried spoofing the UDID but that didn't help. Maybe I should try changing the MAC address?


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