@Rytiou : Naaah, I have as well two headsets , and same problem there.
@Darkvision and proxx: I will try out that thing with cable, but as I mentioned above, even my headset microphone doesn't work. And my camera is plugged in in back panel of my computer, not on front.
EDIT: After installing Realtek Audio Drivers, I have something like this:
So, my camera microphone is the one called 4USB Audio device. And when I use any recording software, after 3-4 minutes, noise appears. But, i can't even start using this Realtek High Definition Audio Microphone, even it has some boost opotions and stuff. Somehow, I can not use it. Even when I change it to default device.
About cable. I think there is no problem with cable, because, when i started recording, and move cable very active, bending it everywhere , hoping to provide noise nothing. When i leave camera, not moving it, not touching cable, same result, and mostly around the same time. So it's not cable. Anyone have other ideas?