A few days ago I flashed my SGS2 to JB. It's a nice OS, like Factionwars said, however there are some stuff that I really hate and find inconvenient, however this thread is not about that.
What I really noticed which was making me wonder if I need to flash the phone back to ICS was the in-call volume. The call speaker, which you put to your ear, was so loud, even when set on the lowest volume, I could hear the other end even if I put the phone 10 cm away from the ear.
I don't know if that was some sort of a glitch or something, but after googling a bit I found that it was an issue for others as well. For some the volume was too quiet though.
I found a method to fix both issues, however it's for rooted phones, and since mine is rooted (of course) I had no problem.
I had found the answer here:
And I did the second option. However when I opened "build.prop" there was no "ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps", so I simply put it there adding 10, because I wanted it to be quieter.
And what do you know, after a restart there was a few more clicks for sound control and I could set it to a much much lower volume.
This way you can also increase the volume if yours is too quiet on full sound.
Try it out!