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Author Topic: "N.O.L.F." mini-review  (Read 548 times)

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Offline Kulverstukas

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"N.O.L.F." mini-review
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:51:21 PM »

The Operative: No One Lives Forever is a story-driven video game, set in the 1960s, and stars spy Cate Archer as the eponymous Operative, who works for UNITY – a secret international organization "dedicated to protecting humanity from megalomaniacs bent upon world domination". During the story of the game, Archer is sent on missions to a number of locales, including Morocco, East and West Germany, the Caribbean, and the Alps, where she gets into intense situations, such as scuba diving a shipwreck, free-falling from an airplane without a parachute, and exploring a space station in outer space, all the while fighting armed villains.

My input:

Hands down second best stealth shooter game I played for PC (first being Splinter Cell <3). I loved this game so much because of the great story, long gameplay, changing environment, funny voices, funny assortment of spy gadgets and oh the humor. The in-game humor is actually funny and really really makes the game much better, setting the mood each time :)
I played all of the games in this series, they were all fantastic! give it a try, at least to have a good laugh :D
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 08:52:06 PM by Kulverstukas »


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