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Author Topic: Firefox Geolocation  (Read 4036 times)

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Offline lucid

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Firefox Geolocation
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:28:06 AM »
I was poking around in my about:config, and I noticed this:

Code: [Select]
I'm surprised I've never noticed that before and I am considering adding something about it in the anonymity tutorial considering what this is used for. Have any of you tweaked this setting for privacy purposes? I can't believe I've didn't know about this setting.

EDIT: Just discovered a few other geo-location settings in firefox. Looks like I'll be doing some more tweaking, and I'll probably be updating my tutorial.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 08:31:50 AM by lucid »
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Offline karsa

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Re: Firefox Geolocation
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 04:41:50 PM »
I have geo.enabled set to false, but these two
Code: [Select]
are set to their defaults:
Code: [Select]

These may also be of use:

Also I tested a few geolocation services to find my location and with the settings I have now the self-location feature those services provide place me in the US, which is way off. But that might be the effect of some addons I currently have, so I'm not sure how helpful those about:config tweaks are. I couldn't make anything of the docs Mozilla provides. This deserves more attention though.

Edit: changed geo.wifi.uri to 'localhost' and google still puts me in the US, while some services using HTML5 geolocation report that I'm in Palo Alto or that the geolocation feature is not supported in my browser.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 04:50:47 PM by karsa »


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