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Author Topic: KA-SAT Tooway Satellite Provider Hack  (Read 1387 times)

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Offline Ghastly_Duke

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KA-SAT Tooway Satellite Provider Hack
« on: November 22, 2013, 06:39:11 PM »
Soo, i got this service 2 months ago to test it out and play a bit with it and just see if it was as bad as people said it was, and...It is.. its terrible and i dont plan to pay them 2 months of no conectivity every 5 minutes of rain.
Since i didnt payed up, they obviously suspended my conection and i dont seem to be able to connect and get redirected to a tooway page where they say i have been suspended... yesterday i was into pure dabble and not exactly knowing what i was doing i changed some conections and connected the dish to the tooway box, then ethernet cabled it to a router i had and then ethernet cabled the router to my pc and somehow the net was back on... for a few hours until it got down again.. aand so is the router because *accidently* i powered it up with a 25W cable when this used a 5W one.. kinda fried it..oh well.

So, the connection is there, they cant stop a satellite because of me soo my dish still gets the signal right? soo, is there any way for me to bypass that blockage they make when i connect the dish to the tooway box? is that what i did when i connected the router?
If i could get a couple lights on this id greatly apreciate :)
Thanks in advance

I dont really ask for a way to do it because i know thats asking for too much, if its even possible, just an idea or so, a pointer, something :)

Staff note: Y U NO EDIT POST!?

Much staff
Such attention
« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 10:55:06 PM by Ghastly_Duke »


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