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Author Topic: Read RFID Cards  (Read 1112 times)

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Offline 0xDEADBEEF

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Read RFID Cards
« on: January 06, 2014, 12:58:00 AM »
Hey guys, I need to read out an RFID Card and modify the card or create a modified copy of it.
I have never done something like this before and so I'm new in this field. I googled a lot but I only found a lot of old(2011,2012) articles with dead links.
One interesting presentation is this (just to share it with you):
My first problem is an RFID Reader. I found some videos of Arduino and RFID attachments. But I don't want to work with Arduino, because I've never worked with hardware before and don't want to buy all that stuff and build a reader which may not work if I make a mistake... And later on lose all those expensive parts.
I found an interesting RFID Reader here: but they stopped selling them in 2012... I continued googling and found an article: which linked on this RFID Reader:
I also found another one here : and then I found a second one on Deal Extreme :
I don't want to spend too much money on a reader, because I don't know if I'm able to decrypt the data on the card and I don't know when I'm using the reader a second time... I would prefer the second one (proxmark3) but it's too expensive for a one time use. The third Card Copier/Duplicator looks interesting, if I only want to copy but I can't read the data and write modified data, or do you see any possibility to do this with this one? Would you recommend me the first reader(from Deal Extreme) or do you have any other suggestions? In a summary, I need an RFID reader which can read, I suppose, a 125Khz card and output the data on a computer. I would prefer a reader which can read any frequency but then the price starts rising... And of course, if I manage to read the data I need a writer to either rewrite, copy or create a card.

Is here someone with experience on reading RFID Chips? I'm pretty sure, that my data isn't much encrypted but if yes, do you think that it is possible to crack the encryption by "simply" collection data from a few cards(I can "get" some more) without sniffing the transfer between the chip and the reader(it is nearly impossible without being seen or filmed...) ? And of course, if you have any ideas or tutorials which might help me, I would be happy about it.
I'll keep you current so stay tuned!


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