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Author Topic: [Source] PyCrack MD5 Hash Cracker  (Read 1876 times)

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[Source] PyCrack MD5 Hash Cracker
« on: September 28, 2013, 08:50:19 AM »
A python MD5 hash cracker that uses permutations.

PyCrack will brute force an MD5 hash string, by generating a set of permutations.
Basically, it will generate every possible string using the characters a-z, A-Z,
and 0-9. It will start off as 1 character, until it has checked every possible
permutation, and then the length will increase by 1, every time it, until it hits
a maximum of a 25.
Brute forcing takes a very long time, depending on the legnth of the string that
was hashed, or if it is salted, but if this is kept running long enough, it will
crack any alphanumeric hash up to 25 characters in length.

This is a command line tool, so it takes arguments to run.
Code: [Select]
Usage : [HASH]
- Python 2.7.5:

- Python 3.3.2:
« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 05:33:34 PM by Kulverstukas »

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Re: [Source] PyCrack MD5 Hash Cracker
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2013, 08:20:02 PM »
yCrack will brute force an MD5 hash string, by generating a set of permutations.
Basically, it will generate every possible string using the characters a-z, A-Z,
and 0-9.

Which is not a permutation. Look up the definition.

It will start off as 1 character, until it has checked every possible
permutation, and then the length will increase by 1, every time it, until it hits
a maximum of a 25.

This is way too long to ever get to end within the lifespan of my life, your life and the life of our computers.
You have 26+26+10 characters in your alphabet, that means with a maximum length of 25 you generate:
66^25 + 66^24 + 66^23 + ... + 66^1 words. Even if you only take the words generated that have exactly the length of 25, you get about 3*10^45 words. Let your computer generate and try 100000 words per second and you need 3*10^40 seconds, which is 9 * 10^32 years.
I know with certainty that I don't want to wait that long.


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