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Author Topic: "Alone in the Dark" mini-review  (Read 464 times)

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"Alone in the Dark" mini-review
« on: September 15, 2013, 02:27:38 PM »

Alone in the Dark is a series of survival horror computer games from Infogrames.[1] In most of the series, the gamer plays as private investigator Edward Carnby, who usually goes to investigate a haunted mansion or town that is full of undead creatures. The story is based on the writings of H. P. Lovecraft, although later games in the series drew inspiration from other sources including Voodoo, the Wild West, and the works of H.R. Giger. Six installments of the video game have been created, with various themes and locations. Also, a one-off comic book was created based upon the game.

My input:

I haven't played first 4 games, so I can't say how good they were. However, I have played the last 2, currently, that are "The new nightmare" for PS1 and "Inferno" for Xbox. While they were both good in my eyes, the first one was much longer and much more awesome. Had a huge map to explore, mysteries, puzzles, dark surroundings and mysterious mood, also great soundtrack made "The new nightmare" a truly awesome game. It was in a style like older Resident Evil, silent hill and such, with a static camera from one angle.
"Inferno" of course was action based, no puzzles to solve, just mindless plowing through the game like all games are now... it was a disappointment compared to the previous one. Although I will say that "Inferno" had a great story though.


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