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Offline proxx

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« on: June 13, 2013, 06:20:07 AM »
Hello EZ,

I came across this.
This website is supposedly about ways to evade the prism project based on which software to and not to use.
According to this website Im 'safe' lol, not really digging it.
Anyway its funny how quickly this popped on the wb.

Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline techb

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« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 09:04:53 AM »
I don't really get it. There is a category then a most popular and then the opensource/free alts. I see nothing more than grouping Apple and Windows and common big names against other things that do the same stuff.
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Offline proxx

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« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 09:29:16 AM »
That took me awhile to figure out aswell.
I think the intent is the good vs bad.
As for example microsoft,apple,google are well known for selling out just about anything.
Probably for a shit load of money.
Money is always the greatest motivator.
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline techb

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« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 10:26:54 AM »
That took me awhile to figure out aswell.
I think the intent is the good vs bad.
As for example microsoft,apple,google are well known for selling out just about anything.
Probably for a shit load of money.
Money is always the greatest motivator.

I agree. If someone offered me billions what I knew I would sell out too.

I wouldn't sell out personal info, just anon info I have gathered about users unless it was something like blowing up my country or physically harming thousands of people. But that is most corps right? I mean these people already have spyware/malware criminals use for nothing more than exploit and personal gain. At least google keeps it anon until you/yourself fuck up and make it a threat or government issue.

Yes, I would give anon info just as google and others have, and I would be completely content in my 3rd vacation home driving my kick ass car, trolling the internet with my $100,000 computer.

We would all do the same thing in the shoes provided, and if you say you wouldn't your either  a liar or really fucking stupid.

It is a great motivator. Have you ever got food from being a good person? Has anyone ever given you a car because you like the same music they do? Has anyone ever paid your rent because your like cute cat pictures on the internet?
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Offline proxx

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« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2013, 11:03:12 AM »
I agree. If someone offered me billions what I knew I would sell out too.

I wouldn't sell out personal info, just anon info I have gathered about users unless it was something like blowing up my country or physically harming thousands of people. But that is most corps right? I mean these people already have spyware/malware criminals use for nothing more than exploit and personal gain. At least google keeps it anon until you/yourself fuck up and make it a threat or government issue.

Yes, I would give anon info just as google and others have, and I would be completely content in my 3rd vacation home driving my kick ass car, trolling the internet with my $100,000 computer.

We would all do the same thing in the shoes provided, and if you say you wouldn't your either  a liar or really fucking stupid.

It is a great motivator. Have you ever got food from being a good person? Has anyone ever given you a car because you like the same music they do? Has anyone ever paid your rent because your like cute cat pictures on the internet?

I agree with you except for one point.
At least google keeps it anon until you/yourself fuck up and make it a threat or government issue.
I dont believe that, you just call something a treat whenever its suits your needs.
Hell after the whole  9/11 bullshit a new law allowed gov. to raid anyone if there was even the slightest suspicion of "terrorism".
The effect was that whenever it suited some assholes need, a person could be arrested, his house raided and his possesions stolen ... no trial, no lawyer.

Spreading fear allows for these things, just call it "protecting the country" and you have a freecard to do anything.
Same goes for google, you really believe a reason needs to be solid ?
I dont.

Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline namespace7

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« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2013, 06:48:08 PM »
I don't even think about this shit anymore. Doesn't affect me in anyway so I don't care.
Even if they have a copy of my hard drives I couldn't care less.
I just don't give a shit what some government knows about me.
I am not a terrorist. I am not a rapist. I am not a child abuser. I am not a cyber criminal. Why would I care.
I would rather spend the time for fun instead of worrying :)

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Offline Axon

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« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2013, 07:50:56 PM »
Pointless, really do you think the NSA is incapable of monitoring all these softwares. Now they probably know about this website. May be there are the ones who made this website pop up as a decoy. There is a general role out there "as long as you're using the internet, you are not secure". You can achieve some level of privacy with all the tools on the web, but not 100% untraceable. If the NSA wants your ass, then they'll get your ass.

The only way you can reach the top level of security and privacy, is as I think, you come up with techniques that hasn't been discovered yet, and this requires deep understanding of Mathematics, cryptography, computer science and programming languages.

At the end, you can all call me a paranoid motherfucker. But this is how I see the world around me.

Offline EmilKXZ

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« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2013, 09:01:57 PM »
Okay @namespace7, you're not a criminal, you don't do bad things... perhaps some day they'll put cameras in bathroom to watch for people who have been traveling in drugs inside their bodies... you don't carry drugs but you prefer your anus to not be watched.

I support the position of @Axon, it is never enough to be paranoid. We live in a half-good and half-evil planet. Surveillance will always exist, but... let's not leave it exceed.

EDIT: Check out this post. It explains it better than I could.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 04:59:44 PM by EmilKXZ »


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