Anyone else here feel like they could get a lot more done if they just forced themselves to program for a hour a day, possibly in differing areas?
The problem for me is I get busy, I forget, I lack motivation sometimes, how do you guys stay motivated?
A lot of times I get stuck on the "Already have other work I should be doing" set of mind, where I won't program because I have other work to do for school(Especially programming work) or something, even though I will avoid doing that work anyways until it is near due. For example I have finals on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I haven't done any programming, but I haven't studied yet either.
I would say on average I program for about 8 or more hours a week, but it is usually all at once and school related.
One method that sort of works for me is keeping whatever I am working on up on my second monitor at all times, sometimes the hardest part of doing work is beginning, this helps a lot, because when I get bored I will look over at my code and start changing a few things and working on it, sometimes this will only last for a few minutes before I go back to something else, but other times I will get sucked in and work on my code for hours.
Anyways, anyone know a good motivation method?
I plan on eventually working on an android app to for motivation once the summer begins, but that is, if I can motivate myself to get it done.