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Projects and Discussion / Re: Windows bully project
« Last post by spike on February 26, 2016, 03:23:43 PM »
Huh. That's pretty cool. I would like to work on it with you. What language is it in? Pop in the #coding channel on IRC so we can talk about it.
General discussion / Re: What Inspired You?
« Last post by Jack7T on February 26, 2016, 12:02:37 PM »
For me it was when I first got my first computer at a young age. Bday present from my parents. :) They figured a computer would be a good way to feed my extreme curiosity in all things. This was early/mid nineties

Manually trying to open every single file inside it to see what's in it. Sometimes editing files to see what would happen and then figuring out why it would happen. Fucking up the OS more than once obviously.. This was way before there were proper search engines :D Went to the local (nearest) library to rent some books about computers / operating systems. The entire library had like a single shelf with some old computer related books, most of them written in English. From here I 'borrowed' an 'Encarta' encyclopedia on CD to read and explore. Also, the OS on my computer was configured in English so I had to get myself an English to <native language> dictionary and tried to decipher all the words that were used.

So yeah, I'd say my parents gave my first inspiration.
After a while I found out my neighbor was quite handy with computers, he introduced me to batch file scripting in Windows. Awesome :D
Networking / Re: (help) anyone ho knows how to openline wifi router?
« Last post by hashMANmerky on February 26, 2016, 11:55:55 AM »
I was stupidly going to give you the solution then, but then I sank into the mentality of the rest of the community seeing as I just read rules and guidance yesterday so its still fresh in my mind, I found out how to do that model in literally minutes, use the basics first man before posting on here because you blatantly haven't even used the search engine properly before posting.

Theres a guide online freely available. Good luck Man!  ;)
Beginner's Corner / Re: Enable wireless adapter using kali linux
« Last post by hashMANmerky on February 26, 2016, 11:39:26 AM »
I agree with the above comment Atheros AR9271 chipset would be my first recommendation, then  Ralink RT3070 is a good supported chipset and you can pick them up for probably the same price as the Alfa schniders if not cheaper due to popularity among various different manufacturers, hell I even got a free wifi stick with a broadband package once and that was rt3070 I pretty much got a stiffy when I realised what chipset it had! Signal King do a 48dbi RT3070 for next to nothing and they kick assss  ;)
C - C++ / Re: looking to learn c++ ?
« Last post by Jack7T on February 26, 2016, 11:24:49 AM »
One of the books that really helped me with the basics of C++ was/is: Jumping into C++ by Alex Allain

I've uploaded it to the file hosting service:
Beginner's Corner / Re: Help needed with hccap cracking (WPA/WPA2 passwords)
« Last post by hashMANmerky on February 26, 2016, 11:22:50 AM »
A lot of new routers have WPS enabled these days, you could always try the super easy WPS hacking and then once you have the WPS pin even if they change passwords you can always get it back using the pin  8)

I like "Wifite" as you can do a pretty neat "Fake Auth" just by running a simple "Aireplay" command and your away, "Wifite"will also show you all WPS enabled networks available.

I can provide links to a very good dictionary its huge but worth it really, you would just have to remove some dupes and split them into proportionate sizes before using.
Networking / Re: Why wont WIFI work in Kali Linux?
« Last post by hashMANmerky on February 26, 2016, 11:08:07 AM »
Ive had to make drivers for a couple TP-Link adapters in the past, although they worked OK to connect to wireless networks. There are quite a few that aren't able to actually inject packets out of the box, probably the little cheap crappy ones, so sometimes Ive had to install different firmware and kernels to actually get packet injection working.

Ive also found in a couple of instances that when Ive installed a fresh build of Kali and used integrated wireless on laptops, for some strange reason the kernel its decided to use wants to start up with wireless in airplane mode, would work with the "ifconfig up", "mode managed" but still strange why it decided to do that every boot, because I changed kernel's and it stopped doing it.

A lot of the newer TP-link adapters do tend to work straight out the box though. Its just annoying when you feel like doing some sniffing and then it turns out that your adapter comes in multiple Revisions and luck just has it your revision requires patching... its all good fun though hey  ;D
General discussion / Re: Does this make you angry?
« Last post by th3l4st on February 26, 2016, 08:30:10 AM »
So with this being said, yes I feel you bro, the best way to  overcome the feeling is to just let the bad things happen. I wont help my friends out with ROS unless they really want me to; do I care anymore about the project itself? Not in the slightest bit. As a pen tester I'm sure you know how to stay anonymous should you try and do anything to your work place's network with Rapid; but other than that, I would say to just let it go, and since it's insecured, don't stay logged into your email, don't go to websites where you have to login and put credentials, and you'll be safe.

Yeah, of course I'm not logging into anything valuable to me with that network unless I'm sure it uses TLS. I understand what you are talking about but I don't think that going there and harming the system would be a good idea, if something is to happen let it be, otherwise just thank God (or whoever you believe in) that this time stupid people did not get burned with their own recklessness. It is wrong to exploit the flaws you have found unless you have a good reason to do it... Just as your friends I think they'll learn by themselves and if they are going to hit a wall then it's their fault.
Networking / (help) anyone ho knows how to openline wifi router?
« Last post by twisterbullet on February 26, 2016, 05:38:32 AM »
hi, everyone can u help me to openline ths kind of wifi router?
model: b593s-931
Found it on the Webs / Re: Git Command Cheat Sheet
« Last post by truecam on February 26, 2016, 03:33:08 AM »
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