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News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by Insanity on February 27, 2016, 02:02:03 AM »
I can come back and read things here now without worrying about my eyeballs melting and getting a hernia! :D
(Thanks thewormkill!)
Also, good thinking about the limitations on the NULL category,
now it may deter those who come on and expect to be rewarded after posting nonsense until their fingers fall off.
Good luck, you guys have your work cut out for ya.
Assembly - Embedded / 6502 Assembler for win7?
« Last post by r4kk00n on February 27, 2016, 01:23:48 AM »
So I am trying to learn 6502 Assembly. Found some decent tutorials (if anyone has some suggestions in this area, it would be appreciated) but I can't seem to find an 6502 assembler that will run in windows 7.
There are some online 6502 emulator\assemblers, but there are several drawbacks to these that I would prefer to avoid having to deal with.
Beginner's Corner / Re: Help needed with hccap cracking (WPA/WPA2 passwords)
« Last post by iTpHo3NiX on February 27, 2016, 12:51:39 AM »
My advice is see if the routers name is default for either the router or the isp. Default wireless names are usually fairly easy as different manufacturers/isp's use the same type of passwords to secure their clients wifi. As techb mentioned phone numbers are very popular. Also some routers have 10-digit (numerical only) passwords that never start with a 0. Others are a lot more difficult that will have a 15 character key that consists of 0-9 and a-z, others are 0-9a-zA-Z. However in knowing this, you can save time and eliminate doing passcodes that are under the charters of the passwords (no point in trying aaaaaa when the password contains only digits and is 10 characters long)

Based on your OP with this particular AP, a smart evil twin attack probably would be the best bet, however you need to be close with some decent hardware.

Btw I would like to say congratulations on not being the hundreth retard to say how does I hack wifis
Found it on the Webs / awesome math site
« Last post by rincewind on February 27, 2016, 12:31:21 AM »
Beginner's Corner / Re: Help needed with hccap cracking (WPA/WPA2 passwords)
« Last post by 0pt1musPr1m3 on February 26, 2016, 11:32:51 PM »
A lot of new routers have WPS enabled these days, you could always try the super easy WPS hacking and then once you have the WPS pin even if they change passwords you can always get it back using the pin  8)

I like "Wifite" as you can do a pretty neat "Fake Auth" just by running a simple "Aireplay" command and your away, "Wifite"will also show you all WPS enabled networks available.

I can provide links to a very good dictionary its huge but worth it really, you would just have to remove some dupes and split them into proportionate sizes before using.

You apparently did not read the first paragraph of the OP - he is well aware of WPS vulns.

Fuck wifite... especially for those reasons.
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by white-knight on February 26, 2016, 09:11:00 PM »
All hail thewormkill , good luck with all the shit posts  ;D
News and Announcements / New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by iTpHo3NiX on February 26, 2016, 09:07:46 PM »
Fellow EvilZone members,

Today was like every other day and I decided to hop on my good pal EZ. To my dismay I went to look at my unread topics and I clicked on a few. In any case that set me off. I've been sickend by the shear crap that's being tolerated and I decided to change that. I hopped on IRC and asked if anyone cared about the forum was on and TheWormKill was the only reply to it. I got the opinion of the active members in the channel and have decided that anyone who is in the NULL category makes a post, it will automatically go into a moderation queue and requires approval from a Mod, GMod, Admin, or Owner. With this, will keep our current staff busy so I elected to promote TheWormKill to GMod as he has been a local mod for our most problematic boards for a while now.

Message to current Local Mods
If we end up being in need of more staff whether it be for a specific category or globally to assist, let me know if you're interested.

Hopefully we can break this shit post downward spiral.

So everyon, welcome the reaper of worms, thewormkill, to our staff team

<thewormkill sneaking his message in>
thanks everyone :)
</thewormkill out>
By measuring the target's electromagnetic emanations, the attack extracts the secret decryption key within seconds, from a target located in an adjacent room across a wall.
Operating System / Re: So I installed Arch
« Last post by techb on February 26, 2016, 04:28:57 PM »
I installed Arch too on the raspberry pi a few days ago, and ran into a problem. Thing is my condo doesn't provide Ethernet access, only wifi. Wifi is fine but then there's this login portal that you have to get past to get net access. I spent a lot of time thinking on how to get past that since I wasn't expecting much from the minimal ISO. Thought about creating a perl script to automate that but later realized the minimal iso came with a commandline browser (elinks) and I was surprised at how well it worked.

Anyway installing arch is easy but some stuff especially setting up lvm with luks encryption along with encrypted swap is kinda tricky, but quite do-able after you test it out in a vm and write down the steps.

You could script it pretty easy to trigger on boot or something. You could also look into DNS tunnelling or try a VPN or something of that nature.
Operating System / Re: So I installed Arch
« Last post by rogue.hackz on February 26, 2016, 04:07:37 PM »
I installed Arch too on the raspberry pi a few days ago, and ran into a problem. Thing is my condo doesn't provide Ethernet access, only wifi. Wifi is fine but then there's this login portal that you have to get past to get net access. I spent a lot of time thinking on how to get past that since I wasn't expecting much from the minimal ISO. Thought about creating a perl script to automate that but later realized the minimal iso came with a commandline browser (elinks) and I was surprised at how well it worked.

Anyway installing arch is easy but some stuff especially setting up lvm with luks encryption along with encrypted swap is kinda tricky, but quite do-able after you test it out in a vm and write down the steps.
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