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Beginner's Corner / Re: Creating cheat sheets
« Last post by dimi on February 29, 2016, 11:10:57 AM »
I personally don't see a problem here, but apparently you do, and as this is one of the less idiotic threads, I'll answer:

You don't have to know everything. Common stuff gets into your head pretty fast if you use it often. The rest... well use it more often and it will fall into category 1. For instance, read a bit about DNS and get to know the internals of your box by experimenting etc. (a VM might be a good idea here as well).

As of notekeeping... I use plaintext files written in markdown (look it up) and some custom tools to work with them, but any setup with plain text works fine (develop one yourself maybe?).

Hope that clears up the situation.

First, sorry for replying so late, i didn't have much free time lately.

Indeed, I find it usefull to have a cheat sheet or other document that helps me to find structure in the chaos. I make summarys all the time, but the cheat sheet is more approriate (cleaner) for commands, in my opinion.

You are right about the plaintext. I looked up the markdown language (wikipedia). It seems to be handy and have a sort of easy learning curve. I will give it a try one day.

You made me realize that old school documents may do the trick as wel instead of putting time in cheat sheets. This will give me time to learn things instead of making fancy cheats.

I don't see them as commands. every tasks requires a different tool and thats the way I like to think about it.
Even after years I find myself using help and man quite often.
Also most commands have a very sensible name and so do the options which is pretty consistent  the result is that you can use the same flags for many different tools, the  '-v'  makes a good example.
Autocompletion is something you have to hammer into your brain, use tab  for everything , if it doesnt do anything make sure you hit frequently and with increasing force, you shall complete! I am making it sound like a joke but I am serious , I see many newbies typing  , I get tired by even looking at it.
That said, ZSH is my main shell and it makes life a whole lot easier , eventhough I think beginners should learn BASH first ZSH adds some extra dimensions, for example scrolling with tab over items is a great feature.
If it works for you do make a cheatsheet but I would encourage you to learn by doing and seeing the logic behind seemingly random letters and commands.
Also those commands you posted show me that you wanna jump to the fancy shit before learning to walk , start with file operations / networking / service mgmt etc.

I also use the tab key very often, it speeds up my typing. The man pages are pretty unused by me. I use the wiki pages and online information that I found.
I do recognize I do monkey work that way and will not learn it by myself.

The common commands are known but the more specific ones are indeed more difficult to remember.

I already did about 6 times an install of arch (the monkey way, I admit). That way, I know almost now out of my head what I have to do.

It is tempting to go fast with all those tools installed. I finally was able to install blackarch on top of my existing arch. It is tempting then to quickly see what a program can do.

I intend to install a msata and new hd and will do a new install of arch. That time I won't install all the blackarch tools but just that one that I want to learn.

I now use terminator for my commands, ZSH seems to difficult for now.

I do read a lot, but it is difficult to remember, especially the commands.

Bottomline: I'm not gonna put time in the cheat sheet, I'm just gonna write it down in a basic document. And I'm gonna use the man command more often. I hope the monkey way will not be needed anymore. And I'm gonna learn one program /tool / goal at a time.

Thank you TheWormKill and proxxx
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by Kulverstukas on February 29, 2016, 07:03:54 AM »
am being silenced, derp
We don't choose retards for mods and we all moderate equally. There has been many situations where mods/admins could of silenced other people, but that didn't happen. We are all tolerant, maybe even too much sometimes, so you don't worry about that.
Also if you feel that your post was deleted for not reason, you can always let us know and we'll investigate...
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by r4kk00n on February 29, 2016, 06:56:22 AM »
If you read my OP, Mods, GMods, Admins, and Owner user class can apprive posts. That means there are like 10+ eyes on it for approvals. Fact of the matter is any of the above can delete, remove, lock any post for any reason they seem fit at any time.

There are several threads that explain various posting guidelines. It's pretty much community choice. Read through the FAQ right here

 So essentially, there are no checks in place to stop a mod from silencing anything they don't personally agree with? Doesn't sound like a terribly good way to allow for diversity in view points.

Then you said this:
"There are several threads that explain various posting guidelines. It's pretty much community choice."

But is it really "community choice" if the entirety of the decision making is on as you put "10+" admins with no process for appeals, oversight of admin behavior, or open votes on rules?
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by iTpHo3NiX on February 29, 2016, 12:11:25 AM »
Questions for clarification purposes:

Would the moderation que be handled by one particular admin, or will multiple admins be working on it?
If it was only one admin, that could be problematic for a couple of reasons; for one that could be a lot for one person alone  to have to read through and process. Perhaps that won't be an issue here, as it doesn't seem like there are tons of posts..... something to consider though.
Also, if it is one person only, what safeguards are in place to keep that person from using that power to silence posters they don't agree with, or don't like?

If you read my OP, Mods, GMods, Admins, and Owner user class can apprive posts. That means there are like 10+ eyes on it for approvals. Fact of the matter is any of the above can delete, remove, lock any post for any reason they seem fit at any time.

Also, is there a guide that details the exact grounds a post can be denied on, or is it entirely up to the whim and preference of  whichever mod is tasked with approving posts?

There are several threads that explain various posting guidelines. It's pretty much community choice. Read through the FAQ right here
Tutorials / Re: Exploiting CVE-1999-0184 DNS Poisoning
« Last post by Pandles7 on February 29, 2016, 12:00:01 AM »
Nice, I used another script-kiddie tool for this. I heard that you could fake an update to make all the windows computers on your network to download you malicious "update" - Pretty interesting, this could also be used if you've infected one machine and use it as a pivot to infect the rest of the network.
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« Last post by r4kk00n on February 28, 2016, 11:56:15 PM »
Questions for clarification purposes:

Would the moderation que be handled by one particular admin, or will multiple admins be working on it?
If it was only one admin, that could be problematic for a couple of reasons; for one that could be a lot for one person alone  to have to read through and process. Perhaps that won't be an issue here, as it doesn't seem like there are tons of posts..... something to consider though.
Also, if it is one person only, what safeguards are in place to keep that person from using that power to silence posters they don't agree with, or don't like?

Also, is there a guide that details the exact grounds a post can be denied on, or is it entirely up to the whim and preference of  whichever mod is tasked with approving posts?
Tutorials / Re: UniBot - A Complete Walkthrough
« Last post by MikiSoft on February 28, 2016, 06:44:00 PM »
General discussion / Re: [Funny GIF] Rise of the Robots
« Last post by sonNe on February 28, 2016, 03:56:26 PM »
@Psycho_Coder Oh fuck, it has begun then. Yeah dude, RHex looks like some kind of machine straight out of a Metal Gear Solid game. All started with RHex struggling to make a linear path to point A to point B, a couple of years later, we have Gekkos all around the world mooing and fucking shit up with the perfect junction of organical/mechanical beings. For those who didn't understanding my reference ->
But yeah, it amazes me that humanity with all its shit going on, it is still capable of doing this kind of evolution, when the men start to create mechanical beings like RHex or Atlas. I only remembered now that the movie I, Robot hits the exact point of your topic, when Dr. Alfred Lanning gives Sonny the ability of thinking on it's own, reaching levels of independence when he acts like a human itself, with feelings and even dreaming, to try to separate from V.I.K.I's control of rule the flawed humanity. Damn, it matches perfect with the conversation.
Found it on the Webs / Gameboy emulator in terminal
« Last post by 0pt1musPr1m3 on February 28, 2016, 03:35:35 PM »
Figured some of you guys would enjoy this.

General discussion / Re: [Funny GIF] Rise of the Robots
« Last post by Psycho_Coder on February 28, 2016, 03:29:26 PM »
@sonNe That's good thinking. Now that you brought it out, here read this:

Haha watching Atlas in a forest? I would wish if Thors hammer suddenly comes to me thinking as if I am its sole owner :D. By the way, look at RHex, that thing creeps me out for some reason.
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