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Messages - s1l3nc3

Pages: [1] 2
Found it on the Webs / Re: Malware bytes PRO
« on: March 19, 2014, 05:09:24 AM »
thanks bro love it :D

Hacking and Security / Re: DNS Amplification Maybe?
« on: March 19, 2014, 04:53:02 AM »
DNS is one technology that i haven't bothered to look in to much even though i have multiple lectures that i didn't attend related to the subject

either way this attack sounds rather good and it is always better to set your dns server to dynamically allocate i guess

but i wonder weather or not if you had dnscrypt ( )if it would of made difference

Hacking and Security / Re: Team Cymru - SOHO Pharming Whitepaper
« on: March 19, 2014, 04:44:32 AM »
kl stuff, its strange how nobody is taking advantage of this so far :S

like they just done the hack and then left hanging, that is very very strange

my thoughts are they are maybe trying to monitor what the most visited sites are :S or maybe there waiting till one day when they can just fuck up the base and redirect all querys to a propaganda page

pesonally mate iw ouldnt join that site nor pay for information although its only 3.99, i would pay for the basic Principle that we can get information for free we are hackers :)

if you truey want to learn all you need is will power and the ability to torrent and your good to my friend

i dont see what you can get on that site that you cant get from anywhere else bro

General discussion / Re: Patient's face rebuilt with 3D printed parts
« on: March 19, 2014, 04:25:36 AM »
i wonder what his face feels like and what the anitmation is like when he is acuatly talking


Hacking and Security / Re: When security becomes boring and fustrating
« on: October 17, 2013, 01:59:35 PM »
its not realie a good price to pay but it finally finished now so all is good :D

Hacking and Security / Re: Cisco IOS vulnarability research project
« on: October 17, 2013, 01:58:54 PM »
ok thanks bro :) ima look in to that and i will massage you soon as i get started ect

i will also be posting the research Matireall i find on here for any one who needs it

Hacking and Security / Cisco IOS vulnarability research project
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:45:56 PM »
hello EZ crew :D

i was wondering weather you could give me advice and guidance in relation to a project that i am looking to carry out for my final year project...

i have recently been looking at cisco router vulnerabitity research and i noticed that this is area that is not given as much attention as it should be, i have conducted various research in relation to this subject and i have found that it is something that is doable and possible but it is meant to be very very hard.

so what i want from you guys is to give me source and advice espeacly in relation to the IOS, im not fairly interested in like a manuel on how to use cisco devices because i can easily find this my self i would like something in relation to maybe the programing of the IOS and details about it in relation to the funaction, boot process ect

im looking for somewhat aracane knowledge in relation to this subject...

any tools, any research anything related to this would be really help full, books also will be good

i have got the shell coders hand book so but haven't finished reading the part related to this subject carefully

my main aim is to end up with a remote exploit that allows a user to take full controll over the OS

if this is a myth i might just end up writing shell code for the router...

Hacking and Security / When security becomes boring and fustrating
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:31:21 PM »

so bascally i started to encrypt my hard drive recently well not my current drive but one of my old ones that have had for a few years so its got alot of data on it and also it is about 2tb so its big...

for he first hour or saw this was what was showing i was very worried but then after a while it went down to like 3-4days its jumping between those two days...

now i have question what would it take to speed up encryption of quit big harddrives, would it be a bigger CPU or RAM or what please give some input from the top of my head i would say CPU but im not sure of how the encryption process is carried out ?

what programs are best for encrypting DRIVES as i have heard romars floting around the net about how LE have been able to break true crypt with a back door and i know about memory attacks and hibernation files but i realsed that cold booting only works on DDR2 which i know i deffeintly don't have in my system so that's fine i guess...

(Im not trying to hide anything from LE by the way like i havent commited any crimes or anything like  ::) :-X )

but i just want genral knowledge just in case there is a reason for me to hide something from them in the l8a future

PS. didnt know about section :(

bro i dont know like how goo dyou are at hacking ect but if your new then i would reconmend you install Virtual box on your main OS and then do your hacking stuff from there, like if you havent started hacking into web servers and stuff and still on your learning stage you should deffo just do a virtual machines to start learning i would reconmend you fuck backtrack for a while i think its over rated to be honest with you

like if your learning your going to using tuts right and reading books in these things they will tell you what tools you need, you can just get the tools as you go and then yu will end with a good tool set that works for you...

im still on a learning stage and no where near pro yet, i use to use back track and stuff but as i become more awae of how things work ect i stoped using back track as much and trying to learn the linux OS by trying to install stuff even though it can make you wanna fly kick your computer at time lol

Operating System / Re: OS to remain anonymous
« on: October 04, 2013, 06:09:59 AM »
in regards to secure OS i was acuatly looking for one today but then i was going to try the liberte one but then it wouldnt install so i got gentoo linux instead and im going to secure it my self :D

Hacking and Security / Re: Sniffing computers on remote routers.
« on: October 04, 2013, 03:41:41 AM »
hmm ok bro i get you sounds pretty cool, i wish you much luck, i hope one day i will have a job like yours where im free to enjoy the network :D

Hacking and Security / Re: Sniffing computers on remote routers.
« on: October 04, 2013, 12:49:08 AM »
Axon are you trying to hack your work place or are you doing this for management purposes

im just intrerted to find out weather people acuatly hack there work networks

Pages: [1] 2

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