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Messages - rasenove

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News and Announcements / Re: I heard you wanted a upload script upgrade?
« on: December 06, 2014, 06:27:23 AM »

It is difficult to make it I suppose?
These questions come from my lack of knowledge so please don't throw hellfire on me :)
What's the point of having a public archive when you can't identify the files. All the files have random numbers as their name.
ande should work on the offline/server side upload insted.

News and Announcements / Re: I heard you wanted a upload script upgrade?
« on: December 04, 2014, 07:35:19 AM »
Not sure what you mean?
He means of it's possible to browse/explore/view the uploaded files.

Android / Re: [Help] SystemUI stopped working
« on: November 22, 2014, 01:29:52 PM »
Alright, I've flashed the stock room and everything works fine. Thanks for all the help guys, cookies for all

General discussion / Re: 3 years of Awesomeness
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:18:56 AM »
Happy anniversary, For me however, it's only two years of awesomeness. Congrats.

Android / Re: [Help] SystemUI stopped working
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:49:11 AM »

I was trying to force install systemui through the terminal emulator. but it says INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED,

So I looked it up, it's known a error -24.  Caused when an app isn't uninstalled completely and that removing the app's package from data/data/ and data/apps will fix it.
So, I removed data/data/ and other files from data/app

But the folder keeps coming back, it's a 0kb folder and only has a file named lib. strange and and I still can't install systemui :(

What I meant is just get a replacement trough warranty, that could be a quick (depending on the delivery time) fix.

Warranty service is shitty. They'll keep the phone for weeks saying they're trying to fix it and then they'll fix it after making you regret your ever came to them or replace it with a new one of they can't fix it.

Android / Re: [Help] SystemUI stopped working
« on: November 18, 2014, 07:49:36 AM »
Right now I'm trying to figure out a way to completely remove systemui and then reinstall it. But it doesn't appear in any app list like it's already removed but won't let my install the app either.
Any thoughts on that? Downloading the stock rom is going to take some time so I'm saving it for the last.

Android / Re: [Help] SystemUI stopped working
« on: November 18, 2014, 06:53:30 AM »
First of all: I'm sorry man, I know how frustrating it is when a device no longer does wat it's supposed to do

I know nothing about this problem but as nothing else works, I'd go for a new rom. Maybe now it is the time for a custom rom?
Also, is the phone still under warranty?

There's no custom rom available for my phone. And yes, it's still under warranty regarding the warranty limitations don't mention anything about rooting the phone. It's unlikely I'd need customer service as long as the problem isn't hardware related.
Thanks anyways.

Android / [Help] SystemUI stopped working
« on: November 18, 2014, 05:36:31 AM »
Hello, I'm having a problem with my phone right now. Would be nice if anyone could help. Here's what happened.
I was using my phone as usual and then a message came up saying "unfortunately systemui has stopped working". After I did a reboot, the background was all black, there's no notification bar, no recent apps etc. the phone is usable, just looks a little disturbing. I went to the the manage apps, and there's no systemui, titanium backup shows it's been uninstalled (no, i didn't do it) but there's still systemui's apk and odex files in system/apps.

Things I've tried,
1. Tried to restore backup from recovery(not a nandroid backup, just the usual 3e recovery backup) Backup doesn't even start, just shows Failed (grrr)
2. Googled the problem, only found that a few HTC phones had this problem and that disabling face unlock should fix it -didn't work.
3. Factory reset -  no good.
4. reinstall system ui, install fails, tried to use lucky patcher's rebuild function to install it into the system but it says "you must uninstall the original application before installing this apk file, as the signatures are different after the recompiling, uninstall the application?" I press OK and it says restoration failed.

what I haven't tried, flashing the stock rom (last option)

I don't know what else to do, The systemui appears to be uninstalled but won't let me re install it for some reason.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you.

Android / Re: [HELP] Flashing CyMod on non supported device
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:56:08 AM »
I was hoping you wouldn't say that.

I'd just google first. There're lots of unofficial ports to phones that aren't officially supported, or only offically supported up to a certain (outdated) version of cyanogenmod. But expect some things to not work smoothly or even at all!

Here's a list of unofficial ports:
But even if your device is not on the list, you should still search for a port on google, as there are a lot of ports that don't appear on this list...

Thanks for the advice but I did that already and there's nothing about cym11 related to my phone on the web. Guess I'll consider some Xposed modules for now.

Android / [HELP] Flashing CyMod on non supported device
« on: November 07, 2014, 06:02:10 PM »
Hello there, I want to flash CyanogenMod on my phone which is not included in their official "supported devices" list, but I still want it on this phone. What do I do?
I'm not very experienced with flashing roms so, forgive me if I'm being stupid. All suggestions are welcome.
thank you.

Info about my phone:

Android version: 4.3
Kernel version: 3.4.0
Device model: Something you probably never heard of (sorry)

Hacking and Security / Re: Little math problem
« on: October 16, 2014, 08:35:15 PM »
No, it's not acceptable. 14 != 1 and 4
Let me simplify things:

Got it?

Hacking and Security / Re: Outsmarting and Instagram hacker?
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:53:47 PM »
It could be that the Instagram itself is vulnerable and the hacker is exploring it. Use another Instagram if possible and see what happens..

General discussion / Re: Lack of PC
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:20:02 PM »
For HTML, PHP & JS, Try AWD:

And for java, try AIDE:
^It's only for building apps though.

BTW, writing code on a phone is stupidly frustrating maybe use hacker's keyboard to make it less painful:

You're still going to hate coding on a touch screen though.

General discussion / Re: Most evil thing on evilzone?
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:16:30 PM »
 Most evil thing on evilzone is......  Dr. M0rph ?

Science / Black holes don't exist
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:18:51 PM »

(Chapel Hill, N.C. – Sept. 23, 2014) Black holes have long captured the public imagination and been the subject of popular culture, from Star Trek to Hollywood. They are the ultimate unknown – the blackest and most dense objects in the universe that do not even let light escape. And as if they weren’t bizarre enough to begin with, now
add this to the mix: they don’t exist.

By merging two seemingly conflicting theories, Laura Mersini-Houghton, a physics professor at UNC-Chapel Hill in the College of Arts and Sciences, has proven, mathematically, that black holes can never come into being in the first place. The work not only forces scientists to reimagine the fabric of space-time, but also rethink the origins of the universe. “I’m still not over the shock,” said Mersini-Houghton. “We’ve been studying this problem for a more than 50 years and this solution gives us a lot to think about.” For decades, black holes were thought to form when a massive star collapses under its own gravity to a single
point in space – imagine the Earth being squished into a ball the size of a peanut – called a singularity. So the story went, an invisible membrane known as the event
horizon surrounds the singularity and crossing this horizon means that you could never cross back. It’s the point where a black hole’s gravitational pull is so strong
that nothing can escape it.

The reason black holes are so bizarre is that it pits two fundamental theories of the universe against each other. Einstein’s theory of gravity predicts the formation of black holes but a fundamental law of quantum theory states that no information from the universe can ever disappear. Efforts to combine these two theories lead to mathematical nonsense, and became known as the information loss paradox.
In 1974, Stephen Hawking used quantum mechanics to show that black holes emit radiation. Since then, scientists have detected fingerprints in the cosmos that
are consistent with this radiation, identifying an ever- increasing list of the universe’s black holes.

But now Mersini-Houghton describes an entirely new scenario. She and Hawking both agree that as a star collapses under its own gravity, it produces Hawking radiation. However, in her new work, Mersini-Houghton shows that by giving off this radiation, the star also sheds mass. So much so that as it shrinks it no longer
has the density to become a black hole.
Before a black hole can form, the dying star swells one last time and then explodes. A singularity never forms and neither does an event horizon. The take home message of her work is clear: there is no such thing as a
black hole. The paper, which was recently submitted to ArXiv, an online repository of physics papers that is not peer- reviewed, offers exact numerical solutions to this problem and was done in collaboration with Harald Peiffer, an expert on numerical relativity at the University of Toronto. An earlier paper, by Mersini-Houghton, originally submitted to ArXiv in June, was published in the journal Physics Letters B, and offers approximate solutions to the problem. Experimental evidence may one day provide physical proof as to whether or not black holes exist in the universe. But for now, Mersini-Houghton says the mathematics are conclusive. Many physicists and astronomers believe that our
universe originated from a singularity that began expanding with the Big Bang. However, if singularities do not exist, then physicists have to rethink their ideas of the Big Bang and whether it ever happened. “Physicists have been trying to merge these two theories – Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum mechanics – for decades, but this scenario brings these two theories together, into harmony,” said Mersini-Houghton. “And that’s a big deal.”

No black hole = No big bang

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