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Messages - wart0g

Pages: [1]
Found it on the Webs / What the asN< actually did to "hack" roT<
« on: April 08, 2014, 08:26:45 AM »
Yes, I wrote the initials backwards, also the tinyurl I'm about to post will redirect you to a legitimate youtube video. (Promise)

This is for those who have heard everyone talking about it but may not understand exactly how it was executed.

It's not actually as scary as it seems in the news.

Code: [Select]

It's a long video but the first 20 minutes speaks volumes on the subject.



Found it on the Webs / The energy of the future
« on: February 05, 2013, 07:40:57 AM »
Hey all, I had to burn a new thread for this technology...

Basically it would allow scientists to develop a new form of energy grid that would allow energy to be transferred from one location to another location with the only limitation being line-of-sight. Another incredible fact is that it could be stored without an acid battery or any similar form of capacitor.

If this were only in the hypothesis stage, I wouldn't have given it a second thought, but this new generation/energy grid concept has already begun to take form from 2-3 already working technologies, albeit prototype/experimental stage; A Frankensteinesque mashup of nanotechnologies that blend so perfectly they could essentially transform the world as we know it.

It seems very plausible.

The Future of Nano-Electric Power Generation [Original Youtube Video]


Thanks guys, glad to be here

Found it on the Webs / "Swept Frequency Capacitive Sensing" from... Disney?
« on: November 11, 2012, 06:47:19 AM »
Hey all,

I'm new to ez so just wanted to say hello before continuing. It's great to be aboard! Seen a lot of interesting things so far. In kind, hopefully this is something that will pique your interest.

This is a (relatively) new technology patented by Disney dubbed "Swept Frequency Capacitive Sensing". It could essentially turn any surface in any building as well as any handheld items (Think iPhone/Android/Tablet...) into incredibly accurate, touch-sensitive controllers without any kind of touch-screen hardware required by today's devices.

With this technology it's conceivable that you could one day (very soon) input information into your pc by tapping on the table following an imaginary keyboard or some other pattern, like you might see in certain sci-fi anime or other such fiction... Absolutely fascinating. And concerning at the same time. Imagine what intelligence agencies could accomplish with capabilities like this...


Pages: [1]

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