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Messages - Requake

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: Keylogger
« on: November 09, 2012, 10:50:20 AM »
Like I said, I will be happy to answer your questions.

I want to "spy" on her, because my best friend told me some stuff about her and I just want to know if it's true.. Well, I do know that the things are "colder". I think that she is cheating on me.. I mean we are together for 4 years or so.. :S

I'll probably get new girlfriend, but I just want to know the truth.. :D

It's creepy as hell, but I just hate to be lied in the face.

Thanks for answers!

Hacking and Security / Keylogger
« on: November 08, 2012, 05:59:16 PM »
Hi guys! I'm pretty new to this forum and I'm a n00b at hacking.. But anyway.. I need to know how to infect someone with keylogger?
I do have my reasons to do it..
I want to infect my gf's PC... We are connected to the same router, so basically we are in the same LAN.. I don't have access to her PC, so how can I infect her with keylogger via LAN and how to avoid her antivirus software from alerting her?
I'll be happy to answer all your question and I would really like someone to answer my questions.

P.S.: I'm sorry if this topic is in the wrong section, I really didn't found a better place for it..
P.S.2: Sorry for the bad english.

Pages: [1]

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