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Messages - chiboy

Pages: [1]
Ooooh man, Factionwars you rocks, you are a genius. Love you man +1 cookie.

"Treat others as you would want to be treated if you were in their place.  Think of everyone as a good person just in their worst moments of their life." - Alaska State Trooper

That applies here too.  Be helpful, be encouraging, and maybe you'll make a new friend and one who will be an amazing person to you
oh nice Sir, +1. When i first saw this topic, i was thinking am gonna see comment like let's get all the noobs deleted from the site or some other shit like that. But from the above comment i find out everybody has spoken well, Andy,Bluechill,Kulve,Phage And All. i really do love all your comment here and i believe who ever may see this comments below will know this is a nice forum with good,wise and kind ideas. i valued all your opinion here. i don't really have much to say but i just want  to Bluechill post which says Treat others the way you want to be treated. In life you will always find people better than you no matter how good you are, it may be in different aspect of life even though its doesn't relate to the internet. Who knows the little kid you help today will be the one to help you later, when you are in search of helps. So when ever one seek help and we are in the position to help. Why not? Give him a hand. Helping people doesn't take anything from you instead it gives you respect,and add so many things to your life, it create opportunity for
You to help also. Who knows.

Mobile Hacking / Re: How to Recover your micro Sd card Lost Password
« on: August 20, 2013, 06:38:52 PM »
i tried this on Nokia 7210 phone but there is no path to the 'system' folder in the C:/ directory. It only shows one folder.i.e.predefgallery.

Any idea??
well the above tutorial is used on micro sd card and not phone.

General discussion / Re: How well do you handle stress and how?
« on: August 07, 2013, 06:41:54 AM »
I am a relatively calm guy but when shit hits the fan I watch a movie or a TV series, enjoy a snus, throw a party/go to a party, take a beer and/or listen to relaxing music.
just wanna add a little something it to this; try to get yourself some funny movies, or just  try to get enough sleep.

Mobile Hacking / Re: How to Recover your micro Sd card Lost Password
« on: August 06, 2013, 10:54:27 PM »
i have been searching for an easy tutorial on how to recover forgotten password on micro sd card for some years now and couldn't get a simple tutorial, all i got was complicated tutorial until i came across this. Thanks alot for the sharing. Gonna give a try and post my feed back,

Pages: [1]

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