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Messages - rxsmed

Pages: [1]
Found it on the Webs / Stanford University Programming Course on Youtube
« on: November 15, 2012, 01:54:15 PM »
Yes i know that there are tons of videos that teaches programming on youtube, but this playlist seemed quite interesting to me as i got the very basic ideia of how binary works on the first 20 minutes of the first lesson.
This programming course in particular is called Programming Paradigms and there is a reason for that wich i will not explain due to indolence language limitations. But, there are other courses coding related that well, might be good for beginners (me included) mainly because it follows a schooly  methodology (ABC first) and the teacher rocks. It has 27 eps 51 mins each.
Contents goes like: C, Assembly, whatever, C++, Scheme and Python. (might be some that i forgot and don't wanna check right now). The course synthetizes those language paradigmas and that's it.

edit - notice how smartly i used the variable "whatever" to indicate the one i forgot.


Well i'm learning Python as a first programming language and i can tell, its cool and easy to learn.
I found this book to be interesting as a first one and theres also this one here. (First is PDF, second is HTML).
Avoid "learning python the hard way" cuz it sucks.


Pages: [1]

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