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Messages - gr33n

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Hacking and Security / Re: Alternate to the usb rubber ducky.
« on: April 16, 2013, 04:16:14 PM »
As RBA linked:

I'm a bit confused as how a Playstation Portable fits into this story though? How are you planning to infect a target via the PSP? (I mean social engineering wise rather than the technical details)
This is a good point. I haven't really thought about that but I guess you could pretend you are charging it or something :D

Not so hard, you just have to know how to homebrew on psp
ohh ok what language do you need to homebrew?
do you need any assembly? or could I use c/c++?

Thanks, gr33n.

Edit by bluechill: Don't double post!

Hacking and Security / Alternate to the usb rubber ducky.
« on: April 16, 2013, 02:13:46 PM »
Hey guys I was wondering if someone made some custom software for the PSP could you essentially create a USB rubber ducky type of device?
and if this is possible how hard and what would you predict I would need to use to make it happen?

Thanks, gr33n.

Hacking and Security / Re: The big commercial wordpress and eblogger.
« on: March 30, 2013, 08:52:45 AM »
Hello again, forgot about this thread. Sorry about that.

Learning how to set up VPNs and various sorts of proxies is something you just have to experience. I guess a good networking understanding is important and perhaps some network programming experience.

Whether or not it is easier to deploy a piece of software onto a machine remotely or physically is irrelevant, as you have to get into the machines systems either way. It doesn't matter if you use a keyboard, a ssh shell or a shell through an exploit.

Depending on your machine's OS, you can use the 3proxy I posted for some time ago, it is for Windows. If your target is linux, there are lots of minimal(as I like them) perl, php, python and ruby socks scripts out there. Google is your friend.

Good help thanks ande once again :D hahah keep up the great help !!

Thanks, gr33n.

Hacking and Security / Re: The big commercial wordpress and eblogger.
« on: March 20, 2013, 02:35:06 AM »
Ok thanks ande.
How would I learn about making a server for me to loop through?
Also what would be the easiest way to deploy that server onto a machine remotely or phisicaly?
So I want to be able to have this up within at least the next couple of days could you give me some tutorial around this or some guidance?

Thanks guys your help is greatly appreciated.

I love 4 life

Hacking and Security / The big commercial wordpress and eblogger.
« on: March 19, 2013, 03:15:41 PM »
So obviously I am posting about things like wordpress and eblogger what are your thought on hacking them?
when I think about how to hack these sites I automatically think it will be almost impossible for me because I haven't hacked any websites and I just think that they would put so much time into making them almost hack proof.

I know almost nothing is hack proof but to build my self up to hacking these sorts of things what should I start with? just some random site that has low security?
This is a big question that you guys get asked a lot but I would really appreciate your responses.

I would also like to start making some good post regarding hacking and some tutorials but I just don't have the knowledge yet sorry so I can't contribute as much as I would like but I will be able to post some good content in the next coming months I hope.

also I know this is the wrong place but I will ask anyway I want to be anonymous but wont going through a vpn still be risky because what if they lie and actually supply their logs to the government also isn't there the same problem with proxies?
I also don't have the knowledge just yet to hack someones computer and make it apart of a botnet so I can't just loop through their connection but I am working on finding out how to do that. any other suggestions?

Hacking and Security / Re: webGOAT a good tool?
« on: March 11, 2013, 03:07:55 PM »
well gr33n, a lot of the "lessons" on webgoat are pretty old, but I mean if you still want to do it for the sake of learning it's not a bad choice. I think you might get more out of something like DVWA (damn vulnerable web app), or mutillidae. Here's some links :P

Code: [Select]
Thanks man this is awesome, I love this community you guys are so nice to me.


Hacking and Security / Re: webGOAT a good tool?
« on: March 11, 2013, 02:56:07 PM »
Yes give it a try, as the site says WebGoat is a J2EE web application, created by the OWASP community to provide a teaching environment for webapplication security. It is a deliberately insecure program, where you must go through a number of lessons. In each lesson, you learn about a new sort of vulnerability, and in the same moment get a hands-on try at exploiting that vulnerability.

From webgoat you can perform attacks and learn valuable things so is not a waste of time.

Here is a demo on using WebGoat

Thanks dude :D I will give it a try.


Hacking and Security / webGOAT a good tool?
« on: March 11, 2013, 02:02:55 PM »
Hey guys I have recently come across webGOAT and I was wondering your thought on it? should I spend or "waste" my time on using it?

just a quick post guys thanks, Gr33n.

p.s I know I don't post much on other peoples posts, but that is just because I don't really know much about what other people are asking so sorry for that but will try to be more involved.

Hey Ande when you said read up on some php security flaws is this the sort of thing you mean?

also how many things do you think appropriate to learn at once?
Like would you learn web script security and software security at once?
or do you think it better to take some time and learn them separately?


General discussion / actuall security of the internet
« on: March 08, 2013, 07:06:28 AM »
I was wondering how things like ssh and ssl are actually secure if everything has to pass through an ISP could the ISP just do a MItM attack and then be able to see what you are actually looking at?
So in the form of a government censoring the Internet you wouldn't be able to have anyway around that other than making your own connections worldwide correct?
Like for example if the Australian government censored the Internet even if I did get to some website securely through ssl my government could still see what I am doing because they would know the "secret" ssl password thing and be able to view what I am viewing stop the people who are viewing things that they don't like?

I am also worried I have this completely wrong and I look like an absolute fool hahah but I will ask anyway :D

Thanks, Gr33n.

General discussion / Re: EvilShop
« on: March 08, 2013, 06:43:52 AM »
Where did you come from? I remember you posting like 5 or 6 months ago but then you disappeared o.o
Umm yeah I have been off and on when my school work load gets to high but I am thinking I am going to be staying around even then so you will be seeing a lot more of me :D
hahah 6 months? I think it would have been more like every month I post something here.


General discussion / Re: EvilShop
« on: March 07, 2013, 03:14:09 PM »
OMG this is an awesome idea.
This would be awesome all the different things that you can use to hack in one place no freiking searching around on all the online stores :D PLEASE PLEASE ANDE MAKE THIS A REALITY.


Even better Ande thank you for your help man :D

would you suggest I use the " Evilzone's official RFI training script" to help me learn the sql injection and php security exploits?
and thank you for that paper on software exploitation.


Thanks ande, dude I love you. I really was expecting people to shout at me and say that too many people ask this but thanks I will look into that.

also thanks for the really quick response, Gr33n.

Hacking and Security / please help me with my second step in hacking!!
« on: March 07, 2013, 02:33:55 PM »
Hey guys I really want to start hacking systems but you guys say .. "learn some programming languages" so I did I am learning python and I know quite a bit of php and a bit of c++.
But now where do I go like how do I learn about all of the different exploits?
and how do I actually learn to hack a system?
I find it really hard to figure out how people know what to do when hacking a website or something?
how do I learn these different things?
do I just keep learning programming and learn what security risks different programs and services have?
or what?

I am sorry if this has already been asked and I know it gets really repetitive but I am just stuck on where to go next.

Thanks guys please help me out, Gr33n.

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