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Messages - hppd

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General discussion / Re: What should I do?
« on: September 12, 2015, 04:08:55 AM »
Kill yourself :)

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Paranoia
« on: July 12, 2015, 11:52:31 PM »
It could be the hosts file, but then, the possibility of that is fairly small. But sounds odd for your router.
Hosts.deny is empty

Anonymity and Privacy / Paranoia
« on: July 12, 2015, 11:17:21 PM »
I was looking up DN markets information and some anonimity information. Right after dns lookup failed, everything starts working again a bit later. then the only site I can't load is the one of privatix OS. So i go to It's just you. is up.
My other pc also gets a dns error on google
Also I recently sent some shady unencrypted shit

Wtf is this shit? What is the possibility that the network is getting messed with?  Can they make a system that finds specific groups of people through metadata and automatically monitor them through DNS exploits?  How can I find out what's wrong? Do you think somebody is messing with my router(I checked the routers local DNS settings and it's ), or the dns server of my isp

or do I smoke to much?


C - C++ / Re: Ethical Hacking Tool [XSS,SQLi,RFI/LFI...]
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:01:02 AM »
Haha nice first post man good job and welcome to ez. How was your score?

ps I'm going to portugal in 2 weeks :P

Projects and Discussion / Building a fingerprint script
« on: February 21, 2015, 01:48:26 AM »
I just started making a fingerprint script today, it's supposed to use ajax(never used it but apperently it's da shit and I need to use it), php and mysql. This will come in handy when I need to find out wich exploits might be useable.

It will retrieve the visitors:
  • useragent (for browser & os)
  • ip
  • jre version
  • Flash version
  • Pdf reader info
  • activex version
and send it to a php script that saves it to a database. I plan to implement a backend for easy viewing aswell.

If you have some suggestions let me know ;). I will keep you posted on my progress

Holy shit, thx for the share.. I was tired but now I'm back awake :P. Whoever this is they fucking on the place.

I love how some of their malware can survive even a hdd format, while everybody always told me that was impossible.

General discussion / Re: Valentines day
« on: February 14, 2015, 09:22:18 PM »
I'm going to light my sleigh on fire and sled it down some stairs

I just found out about this app couple days ago. Shhhhh, don't tell the NSA about it.
Fuck me that was exactly what I was goin to do next

Hacking and Security / Re: Setting Up A Backdoor
« on: February 12, 2015, 02:57:53 PM »
I'm probably not good enough to do that just yet :/

If i had to think of a few ways though i'd abuse the fact that masked input boxes in html don't protect the actual value in memory so doing something like document.getElementById("j_pin").value would return the actual pin someone uses to login to a bank website. Of course you'd have to be on the computer in question and someone would need to distract the person in question aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnddddd hopefully something like remember my password is enabled on the browser.

Blackmail with some information i can get by sniffing packets travelling through the network? I do have access to the router so setting it up to forward all traffic to the computer I control and setting up a packet sniffer would be easy.

Uhm. That's about all i can think of so quickly :3

Pfft seems like a lot of boring work for little money it's easier to steal a wallet :P

You could always install a POS malware in a store that sells extremely valuable items and steal cash from some caviar eating fucks. Or steal some bitcoin from the heroïn dealers of doom. But give a lot of money to the ultra poor as well then to fix your cosmic karma.

Until then keep drinking that hot coffee

General discussion / Re: What do you eat?
« on: February 11, 2015, 12:08:15 PM »
You should try rice milk and coconut milk they are delicious alternatives for normal milk. I haven't drank milk in years and I used to drink it by the crate :P.

About my food it depends, when I'm with friends I eat fast food and fries and stuff. I try to eat the least amount of industrial junk possible though. And I make shure my breakfast is healthy (oatmeal, muesli,.. ) I never drink any soda or eat high sugar products anymore(maybe on a special occasion I will). I used to love it but it's poison man

I don't know anything about this. But I speculate twitter doesn't really matter much and is more a distraction then a help to get a carreer.

Also fuck the dresscode, if I have to wear a suit/tie or can't wear t-shirts/comfortable shoes fuck that job. && Pfft "refined leisure activities" I don't want to play golf with a bunch of executives I want to skate with my friends and enjoy life.

Hahaha maybe a carreer isn't for me, maybe I should just live the simple life. I can always "borrow" some corporation-information and sell it on

Beginner's Corner / Re: [Python] Hexchat /shoe plugin
« on: February 09, 2015, 05:13:39 PM »
I was making xchat/hexchat scripts BEFORE it was cool. One being very similar:
It's still not cool my nigga

General discussion / Re: MMA Fans ?
« on: February 05, 2015, 09:59:23 PM »
Haha I just came back from practice. I have never watched a match though, for me it's more about pushing my limits :P

General discussion / Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« on: February 04, 2015, 08:27:55 PM »
In life there are two courses we can take.
1. Acceptance of circumstance (ie. Do nothing)
2. Apply force against the status quo (ie Take Action)

Both are choices either willfully made or made out of ignorance. Some battles are worth fighting. Some are worth ignoring.

So long as my family and friends are safe and successful, there is no need for me to take action.

Being rebellious for the sake of rebelling is childish and ignorant.

So our beloved home the earth as it is isn't worth fighting for?? And what about freedom and millions and millions of people being enslaved in factories that have to work for pennies a day. I'm not saying fighting is the solution but it's better then eating cheetos.(or maybe not)

Btw thanks for calling me childish proves da hppd still got da spirit

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