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Messages - DuK3

Pages: [1]
.NET Framework / Obtain data from external application
« on: October 16, 2012, 07:57:53 PM »
I am a new member here but this is not my first encounter with evilzone, I have been a member of this forum at various times in it's previous incarnations. 
 I've got an issue I would really appreciate any help I can get with it.
 I am trying for the first time to create an application in that will take data
 from a third application without the user seeing the process and then display the data from the 3rd application on my own application's GUI for the user to see.
 More specifically, I am trying to develop an application that shows a user's own local passwords stored in his or her browser cache. This has no commercial value, it's just for fun and would help me understand how to interact with 3rd party applications. I have found on the Internet a piece of software developed by Nirsoft that does exactly that and can be found at , it's called Protected Storage PassView and it has command line options so I know the results it displays can somehow be linked to my application.
 I kindly request some guidance on how I can go about linking the two.
 Thanks in advance!

Pages: [1]

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