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Messages - MrFreeze

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But he is talking about the vpn provider getting his info..... and you are making it sound like hacking into a large online banking website is a walk in the park and hacking into a vpn's network is the hardest thing in the world to do.

My point stands - why would your VPN providor wants to expend the effort to steal ONE credit card number? I try and keep an eye on my accounts, so even if by some chance someone got a hold of something, they wouldnt have it very long before I noticed, and most companies dont hold card holder's responsible for fraudulant charges.
I didnt mean to imply that a VPN network is difficult to get into, or an online banking site is easy, just that you have to look at the risk vs reward. Why would your VPN provider steal the credit card number of a customer? Even though its really difficult to hack a bank, its very easy to buy CC numbers at numerous places that arent directly traced back to your business....

@OP Why do you need a vpn? Are you buying something illegal? If so, I would be more worried about the people I was buying from stealing my CC than the vpn I was using.

Now THAT I agree with.

As easy as credit card dumps are to get online, Id be surprised if someone really looked to try and do it the hard way for 1 on a VPN.
There are stories all the time of 'X Bank' getting hacked and comprimising thousands of CC numbers, PIN/DOB/Mothers Maiden Name, etc etc etc at one time. Why would anyone fight through a VPN to get access to 1 number when you can go for the Gusto and potentially get tens of thousands?

Hacking and Security / Re: Low-level hardware interrupts..
« on: October 17, 2012, 04:40:59 AM »
Right, I understand how user-land keyboard hooks and intercepting keyboard messages from applications works. I'm trying to get more information on something that operates lower-level than the previously mentioned..

If you can figure out a way to make your way work, dude - Id love to hear about it. Seems like a real pain, but reading through your posts again, seems like youre onto something...hopefully lol

Hacking and Security / Re: Low-level hardware interrupts..
« on: October 16, 2012, 11:50:13 PM »
Most keyloggers, as in - the ones used to intercept passwords for banking and other online accounts, are generally applications that run 'over' the applications theyre meant to intercept passwords from.
There was a popular World of Warcraft password keylogger some time ago that simply affixed itself over the login screen and when someone typed in their information, it first went to the keylogger and then to the webportal. I had thought that most were similar, but if what youre suggesting is feasable, Id like to hear how/if you can figure out a way to make it work.

Kind of a cool way to see how many websites arent secured out there, but I tend to agree with m0rph that its kind of silly to just attack random websites just to eff with people. Most of the websites youll find with this dork are going to be private/personal sites set up by people who dont really understand internet technology. Not to mention, there is almost nothing to be gained by attacking these sites, except to kill some time and piss someone off.
At the same time, he didnt advocate attacking the websites, just gave a way to do so if you wanted to.

Hacking and Security / Re: My Quest for a Mini-Laptop
« on: October 16, 2012, 10:31:00 PM »
I would look at the Asus Eee PCs. Both of my brothers have one, and they are pretty nice. There model was only like $300, too. Oh, and they get great battery life. My brother's get around 11 hours.

I have an Asus Eee PC, and it's nice for some applications, but I've found it to be extremely limited in some regards. The nice thing is that I have Ubuntu, so it boots very quickly (unlike a Windows OS that can take a while to load), and its nice for a lot of things, just not a very robust machine. Ive since switched to a regular sized laptop and probably used the mini one for less than 6 months.
Just my experience.

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