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Messages - darkchild

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How to stay Anonymous when Hacking ?
« on: October 09, 2012, 08:57:37 AM »
This is just a social observation but there are many groups and "meet-ups" all around the world where hacking is what the theme is. I don't think in general saying "hacking" is taking as taboo because the philosophy of hacking (the glider) has to do with a form of out-of-the-box creative problem solving, NOT something inherently negative. However, under critical missions of hacking for financial (or other) gain, this would be more important and would then have what I imagine to be similar to another organized "illegal" dynamic social system where anonymity must be maintained technically and socially.

BTW in my experience, proxies and especially tor are very slow. Also I don't think it is wise to go hang out in a random neighborhood or van lol with your laptop. Wifi capabilities are popping up everywhere in metro areas and a lot of them (small businesses) are not secure at all, while other's wont let you use proxies (like tor, even adblock for youtube, or googlesharing).

C - C++ / Re: Best C++ IDE (Windows)
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:53:50 AM »
Not to digress from the current topic, but what is wrong with VS 2010 c++? or is more the idea of trying to stay away from proprietary stuff (aka microsoft)?

I use VS for c++ before that devc++, which is def not currently the best ide.

Pages: [1]

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