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Messages - an4rch1

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Hacking and Security / Re: Spam Fail...
« on: April 02, 2013, 01:09:52 PM »
I miss those classic "Hello Dear"' messages a few years back XD

Quote from: hanorotu

This is like something you’d read about in China or Cuba, not America.

If there was an arrest the tipster would receive as much as $500.

I do agree that is something you'd read about either in Russia, Cuba, or China or some other communist country :/

So How long before we have a national hotline for people to snitch on other people for talking un-American like or if they might be member's of Anonymous ?

I could had sworn that I read a similar method that the OP had suggested from some old school text document that's a part of 1000 + hacker package :/

I think it was something to do with encrypting harddisk drives and the author used a string of words to make a common phrase or sentence in 1337 5p3ak.

Don't get me wrong, it helps me out a bit; I can scare the shit out of my customers at work and make fuck loads of money off the brainless sheep with commission from our shitty AV we sell

Making money off of the brainless sheep ? You work for Microsoft ?

Lol jk but I think that for some reason, this exploit made the national alert because Java is popular and everyone uses it ... I could be totally wrong of course and Naive of how the CERT team operates :/

This is a quoted article from

"The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has warned users to disable or uninstall Java software on their computers, amid continuing fears and an escalation in warnings from security experts that hundreds of millions of business and consumer users are vulnerable to a serious flaw.

Hackers have discovered a weakness in Java 7 security that could allow the installation of malicious software and malware on machines that could increase the chance of identity theft, or the unauthorized participation in a botnet that could bring down networks or be used to carry out denial-of-service attacks against Web sites.

"We are currently unaware of a practical solution to this problem," said the DHS' Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) in a post on its Web site on Thursday evening. "This vulnerability is being attacked in the wild, and is reported to be incorporated into exploit kits. Exploit code for this vulnerability is also publicly available."

Java users should disable or uninstall Java immediately to mitigate any damage.

The latest flaw, as earlier reported by ZDNet, is currently being exploited in the wild, security experts have warned. Alienvault Labs have reproduced and verified claims that the new zero-day that exploits a vulnerability in Java 7, according to security expert Brian Krebs.

As you can see below we tricked the malicious Java applet to execute the calc.exe in our lab.

Verifying the flaw, security researchers were able to trick the malicious Java applet to execute the Windows calculator. Credit: Alienvault Labs
Java is used by hundreds of millions of Windows, Mac and Linux machines -- along with mobile devices and embedded systems -- around the world to access interactive content or Web applications and services.

It's not uncommon for the U.S. government -- or any other government agency -- to advise against security threats, but rarely does an agency actively warn to disable software; rather they offer advice to mitigate such threats or potential attacks, such as updating software on their systems."

So what do you think ?

General discussion / Re: which linux distribution should i choose?
« on: December 07, 2012, 10:50:21 PM »
First time? Don't do Arch. Unless you are willing to spend more time reading and posting help threads all over the internet than actually doing anything productive on the computer.

Debian. Go Debian. Don't bother with Ubuntu. Especially not now that they've scrapped Gnome 2 and went to Unity. It's complete crap. It's practically worse than windows..

Ubuntu 12.04 -
Code: [Select]
Sorry, Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error.
 If you notice further problem, try restarting the computer.
 Send an error report to help fix this problem

You - Well gee ubuntu is there anything I can do to fix or avoid that?
Ubuntu - NO!
Code: [Select]
Sorry, Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error.
 If you notice further problem, try restarting the computer.
 Send an error report to help fix this problem
You - Fine fuck you Ubuntu!

Ubuntu -
Code: [Select]
Unity has crashed.
Send an error report to help fix this problem


I've experience the same BS with the Ubuntu distro and worst of all, it doesn't like my cheap ass Compaq desktop from Walmart, plus Mandriva Linux totally screwed up   the video card because I messed with the hardware settings lol

I get some sort of "MP_BIOS IO not connected to ACIP" bug at start up but the new video card takes over which is why I can still use a monitor...

Hacking and Security / Re: How to completely wipe your HardDrive/cell Phone
« on: November 02, 2012, 08:10:14 PM »
Well if your running Linux, or maybe you could find this for Windows too, there's this program called 'wipe' which works very well for me.....

General discussion / Re: Is it me....
« on: October 30, 2012, 03:29:06 AM »
Now it seems when I skip an AD it tries more and more to shove it down my throat like they think I'd care the next 200 times the yplay it ! ... :/

General discussion / Is it me....
« on: October 30, 2012, 02:59:01 AM »
Or is Youtube getting more pushy with their advertisements ? I'm seeing more and more annoying advertisements for things that I could care less for and this seems to happen for every second or third video I click on ... :/

when I first got into Youtube, it seemed like it only showed advertisements for people without accounts but now it's everywhere and it's especially bad for channels that make money ... :/

Staff note: edit your posts. I thought I warned you before about this.

General discussion / Re: IQ test
« on: October 29, 2012, 01:39:05 AM »
If that was true that would make you a legal retard.  :o

Sometimes I feel like it thought :/

General discussion / Re: IQ test
« on: October 27, 2012, 04:45:35 PM »
Online tests are never accurate and you shouldn't trust paid tests at all. They give you an IQ that is very high, so you feel happy and pay for them. Let it be.

They said my IQ was between 59 and 76 ..... :(

General discussion / Re: Parallella: A super computer for everyone
« on: October 27, 2012, 12:39:01 AM »
Currently @ $726,263 out of $750,000 and only less then 24 hours to go :)  ...

I'd just like to note that there will be rewards for any amount you pledge/donate to the project so you will get something in return even for your $1 donations :)

I noticed that it went up nearly $200,000 since yesterday when I started promoting/spamming it everywhere and in my blog's :)

Hacking and Security / Re: Wouldn't it just be awesome ...
« on: October 26, 2012, 07:55:47 AM »
But wouldn't you need to add JAVA or PHP coding to get it to play a media file ? Well on the other hand it might lead to a security hole linking your server's error message html file to media unless you add it to your server's directory ... 

I do remember that exploit that had to do with Apache and the default "It works!" message but wasn't this an exploit with a lot of the server's default test page ? ... :/ 

There's also a way of finding these exploits with servers using advanced Google operands and search terms if I remember correctly .... But there's always the risk of coming across a honey pot, which, I think, emulates a certain exploitable server or OS that traps the attacker by logging his attack ....

Hacking and Security / Wouldn't it just be awesome ...
« on: October 26, 2012, 06:45:17 AM »
If you could somehow replace the 404 series of error messages on server to speak in Gandolf's voice "You shall not PASS!" ? 

Especially if someone was to try and be smart and access a directory on your server that you wouldn't want them to and they get instead Gandolf's booming voice saying that line towards the end of the first Lord of the Rings movie  .... Lol to me that would be just awesome :)

General discussion / Re: Parallella: A super computer for everyone
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:45:24 PM »
Well I'll admit that I did it get to where it wasn't showing the formatting tags and I should had copied and pasted it in Gedit first before I posted it on here ....  I'm not used to a forums WYSIWYG post editor automatically parsing the format coding before you post it, a lot of forum sites just ignore the format of other sites but I'm having trouble with this sites WYSIWYG editor ....

I'll remember that the next time that I'm posting text from another site, to paste it first in a text editor to get rid of hidden formating codes .... :/ 

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