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Messages - Shenziku

Pages: [1]
Science / Physics project brainstorming.
« on: November 01, 2012, 09:51:49 PM »
Basically, I have to work on a physics project that would help my grade pretty well if I manage to do it good enough.

The object of this project is to create some sort of windmill that will stand in the middle of two tables. A fan will be blowing on it from the angle of my choosing, causing it to spin as fast as I can make it spin. This spinning is supposed to power some sort of mechanism I create to reel in a string that is hanging from the windmill with a 200 gram weight attached to it. The object of the challenge is to reel the weight in to the table's height from the ground.

Also, I cannot use pre-assembled parts.

Who wants to go ahead and brainstorm with me?

Hacking and Security / Re: High schools funded by Darpa!
« on: November 01, 2012, 09:35:32 PM »
Damn. I'm tempted to move to California.

Well, now I'll live in constant fear of ever clicking on a link using my Android. Ha.

Pages: [1]

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