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Messages - TRAiN3R

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Found it on the Webs / Re: [REQUEST] Premium Rush (Movie)
« on: October 12, 2012, 07:08:33 AM »
Premium Rush 2012 HDTS AC3 XviD-RESiSTANCE
Premium Rush 2012 720p TS NEW SOURCE XVID-26K
Premium Rush 2012 720p TS NEW SOURCE XviD AC3 - MATiNE

I personally downloaded the RESiSTANCE release, MATiNE release is the cammer but they can't clean up video/audio for shit. I know the members in resistance and I like the way they encode. A simple google search with those release names will give you everything from torrents to ddls to streaming (like the one posted) so its all prefrence.

I watched it through, good movie... on another note, nice copy of Taken 2 out as well ;)

General discussion / Re: crazy HTML comments
« on: October 03, 2012, 02:54:04 AM »

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Tutorials / Re: Phishing (For beginners and a revision for elite hackers)
« on: October 03, 2012, 02:48:35 AM »
so tell me a good free domain host where i can upload the php scripts without being banned soon enough? and where can u distribute these fake pages without them being reported?! i am talking about social networks...also...the center point of phishing is social engeneering probabbly,but,u still have to be pretty dumb to type in your details in fake sites....nowdays...

Create your own server instead of using a free host. And there are still plenty of dumb people that fall for phishers. Every 1 out of 10 people will fall for it. So say you sent out 1,000 emails, 1-10 odds gives you 100 people... Do this on a much larger scale, say 10 million, you now have 1 million.
To distribute your phisher you will need social engineering skills. This can and will vary person to person. A common method is fear, fear that their information is compromised and you are in a position to help them.
Lastly you can be ignorant as much as you want, but being rude to people will just get you looked down upon and expect the same rudeness.

Tutorials / Re: Brief Introduction To Piracy 101. [Usenet - Linux]
« on: October 03, 2012, 02:41:56 AM »
I'm not too familar with UseNet, but if I'm commiting piracy, I wouldn't even concider the notion of using a service that you pay for to download content illegally. I feel no matter how hard you try, you still leave a paper trail. Although I also DO NOT use public trackers because of all the anti piracy outfits crawling and harvesting. Private trackers are 100% free, fast, with much better retention then any usenet server ;)

General discussion / Re: Evilzone Design Concept
« on: October 03, 2012, 12:42:20 AM »
I dont know where you got that from :P Its not supposed to be public just yet, but oh well. Its one of the earlier design ideas.

I will start a new topic related to this one: Evilzone design competition.
From you silly ;)
We were hoping to finish loads of things this summer, including various security systems, server management stuff and the Alpha project (for those who know what that is). But none of these have been finished by lack of time and money.

Just put 2 and 2 together ;)

General discussion / Re: Evilzone Design Concept
« on: September 30, 2012, 07:48:26 PM »
the one provided by TRAiN3R is also nice

I take no credit for it  :P

Android / Re: HELP!?!?!??!
« on: September 30, 2012, 07:47:02 PM »
File a police report, trust me they don't care and wont do shit, go to your carriers insurance claims site file a claim with the police report number, they will have more power to recover the phone as well as blacklist the stolen phone, however pay the $150 deductable get a brand new one and then install GPS location services on it for the future.

Good luck

Hacking and Security / Re: how to create a WPA password finder
« on: September 30, 2012, 07:34:27 PM »
/pentest/passwords/crunch/./crunch 10 10 -t %%%%%%%%%% -o 10digitwordlist.txt

Crunch can also do a lot more then that btw for example:
/pentest/passwords/crunch/./crunch 10 10 -t 000%%%%%%% -o 000wordlist.txt

In that example it uses 000 then 7 numbers. This is because more recently a lot of people use their phone numbers and if you know the area code you can quickly break into systems and within an hour on a crappy computer or a few seconds utilizing a GPU core on your video card.

I use pyrit with my word list after setting up my laptop with OpenCL I get about 2500 k/s (not bad for a dual core laptop, with just the 2 cpus I was getting 300k/s)

You can follow my tutorial to getting a wpa handshake (for cracking):

General discussion / Re: Evilzone Design Concept
« on: September 30, 2012, 07:29:33 PM »
I think it looks better like this:

General discussion / Re: How much/fast is your Internet
« on: September 26, 2012, 07:42:38 PM »

Behind Proxy

Home Connection w/o Proxy

I pay about $30/mo with a 250GB cap that they don't enforce ;)

From what I've read on this, it only affects Samsungs TouchWiz on the Samsung Galaxy SI, Samsung Galaxy SII, and the AT&T Version of the Samsung Galaxy SIII. The bug is said to be in TouchWiz, so if you don't own a Samsung Device, don't worry, and if you own a Samsung device (like the Galaxy Nexus) without their TouchWiz, don't worry

Tutorials / WPA Cracking with Backtrack 5
« on: September 26, 2012, 07:26:03 PM »
Well I decided to do a quick write up of WPA cracking with Backtrack 5. The other day I was bored so I decided fuck it, why not? So I figured hell I'll make a guide while I'm at it.
1. Load up Backtrack (I was using Backtrack 5 R2)
2. Open up terminal
Type in:
Code: [Select]
airmon-ng start {WIRELESSADAPTER}What that will do is put your device in monitor mode on "mon0" (which will now become your new interface name)
3. In the terminal windows type in:
Code: [Select]
airodump-ng mon0Now in order to get a handshake file (what we will be cracking) You need to have a client that is connected to the access point you want to attack. airodump will let you know this.
4. Copy down the AP Mac, the Client Mac, and the channel number
After you've copied that you can close the other windows.
5. In a new terminal windows type in:
Code: [Select]
airodump-ng -w {CAPFILENAME} --bssid {APMAC} -c {APCHANNEL} mon0You can now use aireplay-ng to get the capture file, here's how we do it:
Code: [Select]
aireplay-ng --deauth 1 -a {APMAC} -c {CLIENTMAC} mon0After you do that, airodump should now say you have the handshake. That's it, you're done with getting the handshake, now its time for the long part, cracking the handshake.
Your time will depend on your computer and your wordlist. In this example I was attacking a 2WIREXXX network that in most cases uses a default 10 digit passcode. You can run this command to create a wordlist file for you in backtrack (for that specific wordlist)
Code: [Select]
/pentest/passwords/crunch/./crunch 10 10 0123456789 -o /pentest/passwords/wordlists/2wirewl.txtIF YOU RUN THAT CRUNCH COMMAND, BE PREPARED ITS A 35.7GB FILE!
After that, its your choice with what you want to do. You can either continue cracking it on backtrack, you can use pyrit, aircrack-ng, cowpatty, etc. You can even use windows with an application like elcomsoft wireless security auditor. for aircrack-ng run the following command:
Code: [Select]
aircrack-ng {CAPTUREFILE}-01.cap -w /pentest/passwords/wordlists/2wirewl.txt
Just a quick run through. Its easy, but its the cracking that will take a while. Hope they have WPS, if they do, that becomes much easier ;) There are also several wordlists available. You can use whatever wordlist you want. Also as long as you have the capture file, you can crack it on any system. You'll want a system with alot of processing power, ram, and a supported graphics card to get upwards of 1500+ k/s (keys per second) [for example my laptop is averaging 300k/s total crap and will never finish]
Enjoy WPA cracking!

C - C++ / Re: Best C++ IDE (Windows)
« on: September 25, 2012, 09:19:51 PM »
Already a topic on this?

Most notiably:



Visual C++ 2010 Express

Eclipse IDE

NetBeans IDE

So a simple google search led me to these results, why not just research their features and see which one you like best?

Like the first 5 or so are links to those exact links I just posted! And all of them have been said by different members, so I believe you have your answer.

There are 5 Top FREE C++ IDE Software

Visual Studio Express 2010

General discussion / Re: Laptop Deep-Cleaning
« on: September 25, 2012, 08:54:33 PM »
Just wanted to suggest one thing. If you want to keep reinstalling the windows (or any other os for that matter) it will take you too much time every time. You will need to install all the software and drivers you use and set it all up like you want it. The problem is, if you do this often (to keep it clean, virus free, fast, etc etc only applicable to windows I guess) then it might be easier to set a fresh install up, install everything you use, all the drivers etc, then use some hdd cloning utility to clone the entire hdd into an external hd. So next tiime you want to reinstall windows, you can just restore the cloned image and in about 20 mins all your os with settings and software will be ready, instead of wasting hours to install everything and set it up.

I mentioned that already ;)
Quote from: TRAiN3R
Since I reload my computer about every 6 months or so I set up my computer the way I like it and then I create an image of it so for the next year or so I just have to run the program to reset everything

The only issue with that, especially with Windows is the hotfixes and patches, seems like every month there is about 100 or so fixes so you want to keep your image updated as well.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How is Hotspotshield?
« on: September 22, 2012, 10:20:51 PM »
What I suggest since you like gaming, yet want to explore the wonderful vastness that is Linux, why not dual boot? When it comes to playing games on a PC (although you're money is better spent on a console) boot into Windows. When you want to do any type of security or pentesting boot into your desired flavor of linux. That way you get the best of both worlds.

For example on my laptop I have Windows 7 which is the OS my girl uses for the Adobe Master Collection Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition, etc. Those "commercial applications" that wont run very well on linux) and then its dual booted with Backtrack 5 (although dual booting isn't necessary because of the live os features that come on most linux distributions)

To go further the LiveOS feature of just about all Linux OS's gives you the ability to actually use the operating system without actually installing it on your system. You can even set up a USB drive and have it persistent so you can modify it (unlike on a CD/DVD).

With Linux there are several options, and for a newbie, I would say go get yourself Ubuntu...

You can also even use the "Wubi Installer" to use a windows executable to set up a dual boot with Ubuntu for you, just like installing any other application ;)


As for the topic, I agree with ande on this one, free VPNs suck and not good for some real security. I use UltraSurf to do standard browsing, but any kind of hacking I'm using private vpns/proxies/tunnels at a public wifi with no cameras (lots of little coffee shops are like this) or cruise by an apartment complex and pick up a wifi single (WEP protection is a piece of cake and with Backtrack, there are several tools that are just point and click)

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