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Messages - Hydration

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Projects and Discussion / Re: [Question] Text-Based Game
« on: September 19, 2012, 02:01:06 PM »
Thank you very much :)

Projects and Discussion / Re: [Question] Text-Based Game
« on: September 19, 2012, 04:02:27 AM »
I tried using cheat engine, but it didn't work. I believe because most of it is server based.
So ande what would you suggest I use as a language?

Projects and Discussion / Re: [Question] Text-Based Game
« on: September 18, 2012, 06:49:11 AM »
You can try fuzzing the input. Kinda like glitches you find in commercial games.

This sounds like a good idea, and I have looked into it. would it work with a text-based game?

Projects and Discussion / Re: [Question] Text-Based Game
« on: September 18, 2012, 06:43:01 AM »
I saw this

      <span class="return owntransport">One of your <a href='#' onmouseover="return overlib('<table width=200><tr><td width=50% align=left><font color=white>Small Cargo:<font></td><td width=50% align=right><font color=white>5<font></td></tr><tr><td width=50% align=left><font color=white>Large Cargo:<font></td><td width=50% align=right><font color=white>2<font></td></tr></table>');" onmouseout="return nd();" class="owntransport">Fleets </a>returns from the world Kepler <a href="galaxy.php?mode=3&galaxy=1&system=472" owntransport >[1:472:12]</a> and arrives at the planet Colony <a href="galaxy.php?mode=3&galaxy=1&system=472" owntransport >[1:472:10]</a>. Current mission: <a href='#' onmouseover="return overlib('<table width=200><tr><td width=50% align=left><font color=white>Metal<font></td><td width=50% align=right><font color=white>0<font></td></tr><tr><td width=50% align=left><font color=white>Crystal<font></td><td width=50% align=right><font color=white>0<font></td></tr><tr><td width=50% align=left><font color=white>Deuterium<font></td><td width=50% align=right><font color=white>74.978<font></td></tr></table>');" onmouseout="return nd();" class="owntransport">Transport</a></span>
I bolded where I thought it was important as it is stated that the code is written in javascript.

I'm not sure how it works, but I can ask someone on the games forum hopefully, just to get a bit of information.
   <script language="JavaScript">

Projects and Discussion / Re: [Question] Text-Based Game
« on: September 18, 2012, 05:29:32 AM »
It may not be worth it but I don't really want to hack the game to gain an advantage at all, I just wish to learn a language and put it to use. I wish to try and see what potential I have as a programmer and see if I have the will power to finish a project that may be a bit difficult them something a bit normal.

I don't really know much apart from java. Other then that I don't know a lot which is why I like this site, it has a lot of tutorials that are smooth and easy to follow

Projects and Discussion / Re: [Question] Text-Based Game
« on: September 17, 2012, 05:43:40 PM »
So if it's buffer overflows I should be looking into c++ for this project?

Projects and Discussion / [Question] Text-Based Game
« on: September 17, 2012, 05:31:41 PM »


This title may be a bit misleading as I don't wish to create a text based game but for my beginner project I want to create the ability to 'cheat' in one.
Basically what I wish to do is create a program that has the ability to add resources without any effort.

For example:

[Wood: 500]

*open program*

Add Wood: *type amount of wood you wish to add*
Add Wood: 1500
*refresh webpage*

[Wood: 2000]

(I hope that example made some sort of sense)

Basically what I am asking is which language would be best to do something like this. The game I wish to do this with is called Raynia. If you wish to help and need to see what the game is like use the username: Test and the password: Test

Thank you for any help in advance

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